Mabon Musings and a Mindful Playlist For the Upcoming Season

in #lifehacks7 years ago

Be Here Now - The Keys to Mindfulness

Magicians know this whole concept. It is the representation of being in the present. However, we tend to sort of skirt on the topic. Americans aren't known for their mindfulness and presence of the moment. We are a busy people, filled with self-importance and always on the go. The we wonder why time simply passes us by.

How could it not?

They say that time flies when you're having fun.

What does time do when you're busy or you're caught up with something? Say that you are studying or working, and you get into it and you're distracted. Even if you hate the subject, if you're interested, you won't be paying attention to the clock. The next thing you know, it's time for dinner and you were supposed to be getting ready 30 minutes before.

Happens all the time, right?

Perception Isn't Everything But It is Uber Importante!

Percetion is affected by vibration. Where we are at, in life physically, as well as in our mindset effects how we see and experience the world. People have gone through great lengths in life to come to understand how to change this or how we can actively alter our experience. Drugs are one way. Apparently, back in the day, chairs and sexy devices were another. Of course, none of these methods have word effectively and conclusively all of the time. There is a time and place for all the things to alter your vibrations, but the main way, the truest way that you can be aware and responsible for your life, how you experience it and how it ultimately effets you is by being responsible for the aspects of the self that go into creating this experience in the first place.

You Can Control A Lot of What Happens to You

How you see yourself in the world is going to effect the experience you have.

Sounds simple, right?

Then how come it is so hard to do what is best for us? Why do we, as a culture and as a species, struggle with the most basic of needs such as self-love and self-care?

You can have a million friends, but what does that matter if you don't like you?

You aren't going to get the jokes. You are going to be worried about yourself, how people are seeing you and a million other self-defeating thoughts.

I know the quick method to awareness and I wouldn't recomend it. Rather, I am going to recommend the safer and ultimately the sane approach. Patience and process. Small steps taken for the betterment of the self will naturally lead to graceful enlightenment. That is the theory anyway.

As we head into a new season, take a step back.

I Know This Happens Every Year

Astrological events are cyclical for people. There are plenty of events that happen every year. Certain ones, like mercury in retrograde, happen a few times a year and we tend to take this one seriously. There are others, we just ignore. The actual Wheel of the Year is popular in witchy circles, with hardcore Wiccans and such, actually paying attention.

As a teacher, I find that sometimes... well, more often than I would like... people don't seem to care. I wondered why that was and then I realized, I was like that. I didn't see the importance. Off the cuff, it seems that the holidays are all about celebrating and the show.

What is vital is understanding being here and in the moment, feeling the time of the year. Witnessing time passing in awe and wonder is one of those things that we did as children. How often do we do it as adults?

Does Time Feel Like It is Passing By Quickly?

When is the last time you thought about time, aside from your own mortality? The popularity of meditation and awareness is gaining in both knowledge and understanding but is it really enough? The whole concept of being aware of ourselves shouldn't be a fad, but it sort of feels like it is.

How can we change this?

Spacing Out Time Specifically For You

Be Here NOW is the concept that you need to be present in the moment, which sounds all fine and good except for... how do we do this? There are many solutions and no singular idea will work for all. I believe you need to find something that works correctly. Most people need basic needs of planning and accountability set as we rarely can manage these things for ourselves.

My solution, the one that I am working on for myself and what I invite for anyone to try with me is being more mindful. We do this through acts of:

  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Scheduling

These are the main ways, but there is also things like carving out time for you specifically. This could be a walk in a park, noticing the trees changing colors with the seasons or aroudn town and noticing the changes in your city through construction. The gym is good, but this often ends up as a rat race, with the focus on weight loss or how one looks rather than the process. The key is the process is being mindful of the process.


It is all about being mindfully aware. This can come in a few different ways. The kind of awareness we are talking about here being aware of the present and mundane. There is a time and place for other kinds of awareness, but we're not there yet. here

We will get there.

For now, I wanted to share my playlist for mindful awareness that includes some walk through meditations, talks, and discussions by myself and others. Enjoy!

Mindful Meditation by Yours Truly


Relax to the Dulcet Tones of Powerful Enlightenment

Clear and Peaceful Relaxation Tunes for Meditation

And Of Course, There is Always Ted Talks

Mindful and Awareness Playlist

As always feedback is appreciated!

Love and Light, Rohanna

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