Know The Facts #06

in #lifehack6 years ago

The idea is notto live forever,but to createsomethingthat will. (1).jpg

In this world we born for a limited time but the thing we do can live forever. Neither Einstein nor the Newton is here in the world but their works will last forever. We can a learn a lot from this. We should think about the life that we will get after die. If we can do something rebolutionary or something that can lasts then people will remember us till the last day of the world. If we think like this fact then we will get the inner satisfaction of our life, it's for sure. So be a hustler, make your day productive day by day.
This is all for today guys. Have a nice day.


thats in a word "legacy". Not everyone understands the meaning of it. Glad you have come out with this point.

আমরা অনেক সময় অপচয় করি। সময় গুলো অপচয় না করে যদি সঠিক ভাবে কাজে লাগাই তাহলে আমরা নিজ জায়গায় থেকে ভালো করতে পারি।

কথা গুলো চিরন্তন সত্য! ভাল লাগলো, প্রত্যেকটা মানুষ যদি নিজেরদের মনকে শাষণ করতে পারত তাহলে কতইনা ভাল হতো !!

People are born into this world. Some time their contribution is to use people throughout life. Thanks for your sharing.

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happiness leads to better profits, provided that personal life take the necessary steps in improving happiness.

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