20 valuable habits for a fulfilling life

in #lifecoach2 years ago (edited)

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. – Jim Rohn

I have acquired several habits, a few long backs while some very recently. These habits act as a torch-bearer to my life, subconsciously helping me navigate the day in the most fulfilling manner.

Based on my life philosophy to lead a balanced life, I have kept my habits allocated across several dimensions- physical, social, intellectual, and productivity. I might not carry on this phenomenal list of habits always but I intend to stick to them for the most part of my life.

Physical wellness habits

Dedicate some time for workouts daily. I spend at least 30 mins every day on any physical activity- running, pushups, squats, jumping rope, abs workout, or anything which can draw some sweat on my face. It is a quintessential part of my life.

Conscious of my diet. I like the hot, spicy, cheesy pizza, but I know where to stop. I eat sweets, processed food, or hotel food only in moderation. I keep a check on my weight, and if I see it increasing, I have no sugar challenge or outside food challenge at my disposal.

Drink enough water throughout the day. I start my day hydrating with a glass of water (added with Apple Cider Vinegar) and keep sipping water throughout the day. Many people don’t know but being hydrated makes you more energized and active in your work.

Walk deliberately during breaks. I keep a target of walking 8000 steps every day, and I rarely falter on it. The reason is that every hour or two, I take a walking break for 15 minutes. It is a great way to break off your work as you feel much fresher after having the short walk.

Meditate every single day. I began meditation very late, but I am grateful that it has now become my habit. My brain has developed a craving for the peace and calmness I feel after a 30 mins meditation session. No doubt, I am experiencing the benefits of meditation in other aspects of my life too.

No smoking. No alcohol. No drugs. Yes, I neither like the smell of the cigarette nor the taste of the alcohol. Not the high from the drugs too. Instead, I feel much better in my life – sober without a tint of intoxication.

Social Wellness Habits

Always respect people, irrespective of the position in which they are. Respect my elders, subordinates, the Uncle next door, the cab driver, or the ragpicker. Every life form, including animals and plants, have emotions, and we should never play with them.

Value relationships. The relationship is as important a pillar for me as my career and health. Maintaining a healthy relationship with family, friends, colleagues, or even a stranger keeps my life not go off-balance.

Always on time. I not only respect people but respect their time too. Ask me to meet at 5’O clock, and I will be there before time. I always appreciate people for their punctuality as there is nothing more precious than time.

Be humble. I know I am among the top few per cent who go to IIT-IIM, but I don’t enjoy boasting about it. I have realized that knowledge and humility are the best combinations that I can’t help but seize.

Always helpful to others. You will rarely find me not replying to a person who can benefit from my experience and knowledge. I am approached by a lot of people daily, and I take pride in devoting some time to helping them.

Intellectual Wellness Habits

Plan my day ahead. If I plan for something, in most likelihood, I do it. It’s as simple as that. I maintain a spreadsheet where all important tasks are planned a week ahead and recorded every day. Every tick in front of the task causes a spike of dopamine in my brain.

Constantly upskill me. I felt very contented after knowing that we can acquire any new skill by practising it for only 20 hours. Every addition of skill in my portfolio is a boost to my happiness. I can’t help but add more and more skills to my bucket.

Take notes wherever possible. I have realized our brain can’t hold everything, so I have resorted to making notes to store important, helpful information. I take notes in class while watching videos while listening to a podcast, wherever it’s convenient.

Read a book before sleeping. I have lately acquired this read-book-before-sleeping habit, but I am absolutely loving it. It’s a twin advantage- it keeps me off the screen and also makes me hinge on thoughtful reading before sleeping.

Journaling my thoughts and experiences. I am addicted to keeping a record of everything. It feels light to outsource my memory to a bunch of Word files, or blogs, or Quora answers. It also gives clarity to my thoughts and, no doubt, appreciation from the readers.

Productivity habits

Not a couch potato. I don’t feel lazy any time during the day. Give me a task, and I will get back to you in the shortest time. I feel utmost satisfaction in being active throughout the day.

Not a social media addict. I do scroll through the social media newsfeeds, but I am not addicted to it. I use Quora more than Facebook or Instagram, where I spend more time contributing than reading. I can’t engage myself on social media for hours, and I am proud of it.

Don’t spend money on useless stuff. I am not an impulsive buyer. No marketing campaign can influence my buying habits; I don’t even look at the coupons they keep sending over emails and messages. I know when I need something and go buying only that specific stuff.

Minimalism. I can survive with the most basic things because I don’t keep hoarding things I don’t need. It helps me to remain organized without spending a lot of time deliberately doing it. A clutter-free space keeps my mind organized, and ready to absorb the good things.

Final thoughts

Habits are the most powerful in triggering a life-changing impact. It is therefore important to strive for building good habits and breaking bad habits. A perpetual effort to imbibe good habits can accelerate your success journey.

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