Evolution's Greatest Gift

in #life6 years ago

Evolution has condemned our species to a life of togetherness. Our brain's capacity for social pain, our ability for our hearts to be broken is evolution's greatest gift to human kind.

Image by geralt - source: Pixabay

The loss of a loved one may be the most intense pain any of us will ever experience. While physical wounds typically heal over time, we still burst out in tears, years after that loss of a loved one, on quit moments when we think about the love lost; some of the social pains never truly go away. This pain we feel when we're permanently, or even temporarily separated from a loved one is the reason why Maslow's pyramid of needs is only right when talking about individuals. Maslow said that only when our need for food, water and shelter are fulfilled, the need for social relationships even becomes relevant. These two should be switched around when talking about our species and mammals in general..

All mammals, need social connections first and foremost; it's the only reason mammals even survive the first months or years, because we're all born helpless. We only survived because there was someone there that had such a strong connection with us that every time they were separated from us or heard us cry, they would rush over to find us and take care of us. As infants crying was our only mode of communication, so we cried when we were hungry, thirsty of cold and every time we did that loving someone rushed over to give us what we need.

We also cried when we got separated from our caretakers and parents. Social separation causes real pain; the same regions of the brain that light up when we feel physical pain also light up when we feel social pain. I've posted before about the strong suspicion among evolutionary biologists that we only survived and climbed to the top of the food chain in the dawning days of homo erectus because of our strong social skills, our ability to cooperate and organize; sabre-tooth tigers and mammoths were no match against us once we organized and started hunting them down in packs.

This urge of ours to connect, and the pain we feel when those connections are broken, is evolution's greatest gift to mankind. It's what moves us to live, play and work together. To organize in groups to get things done that none uf us could have achieved individually. Unfortunately we live in a world and in times that place the individual on a pedestal and looks down on social dependencies. We celebrate so called individual achievements and individual achievers. We're told that we must "take care of number one" first, and that no one will take care of us if we don't take care of ourself first. If you're so selfless that you give away so much of what you have to those less fortunate than you, and one day you get sick and don't have enough money for a doctor, than that's your fault; you should have been a little more selfish and a little less selfless. Funny, isn't it?

Image by geralt - source: Pixabay

We need to connect, it's embedded in our evolutionary, biological and psychological make-up. A great idea by yourself is worth absolutely nothing; you need a group of people to like that idea and are willing to dedicate their time and energy to (the realization of) that idea. Like I'm sitting here, typing all by myself, so I need you, dear reader, for that time spent to be worth anything at all. When we have a great idea or work of art, we feel an urge to share it with the world. And here, again, our daily reality of capitalism and individualism says that we must sit on that idea, secure it with a patent, and never share.

The fact that we are made to underestimate the importance of our social connections, is in my mind one of the greatest problems of today. I have a good feeling though, about where we're headed as global citizens, when I'm looking at the rise of crypto, blockchains and decentralized applications on steem and EOS. When I read @meno's post about his experience on SteemFest, with the apt title Communities are crash proof, I get a warm feeling because there's such a sense of togetherness around this whole steemit movement; it's living proof of the existence of evolution's greatest gift to mankind.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and reading my posts dear reader, I appreciate that a lot :-) If you like my content, please consider leaving a comment, upvote or resteem. I'll be back here tomorrow and sincerely hope you'll join me. Until then, keep steeming!

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Pardon me while I disagree, but "Look out for No.1" is an absolutely essential survival mechanic. Please consider: while we may live in a time of great abundance (scarcity is a globally-maintained construct, because Rex Mundi [money]) the reality on the ground is... If you go looking for people to save, parasites will find you. I would refer you to @treeoflife's post: https://steemit.com/naturalmedicine/@thetreeoflife/the-archetypes-of-stress-and-a-question-for-the-steemit-community.

I've been trying to formulate an answer to that query, but honestly it would be a VERY long series of posts... parallel to those which I'm planning on getting to, over the winter. So I will send you in my stead... (Cause I can.. unless you're looking out for No. 1... ;) )

When you speak of Evolutionary Psychology (and you totally get solid points for that, in my book) you seem to be confused in that you're trying to apply a post-modern SJW (protestant; black & white) ideology to a behavioural mechanism from -before- the development of our cerebellum... Love & Connection are not even remotely rational processes... They come from Aunt Lili's court: the Limbic Region (I realize that you likely have no idea what the bloody Hell I'm raving about, therefore I'm going to begin my explanation of the Three & One as soon as I get moved... it's rather a "shit or get off the pot" moment for me...)

Regardless.. consider that humanity survived on a very tribal basis, due to geographical isolation... When the Gutenberg Press was invented (a paltry 600 years ago) it enabled rationality to circumvent geographical isolation... if you could read.. you could learn of knowledge and philosophies which were previously unattainable. Why do you think the 1% of that day and age fought so hard to covertly maintain illiteracy? Why do you think they are trying to re-institute it now; via outsourcing censorship to 3rd party solutions, ie. abolishing Net Neutrality? [sound a bit Trilateral?]

Back to the point... regardless of rose-coloured-glasses, our nation (much less our world) is in no kind of state to adopt a properly communal structure... it -could have been-, had there been a catastrophic depopulation so great as to literally threaten our species into cooperation vs extinction... There is one coming, but it remains to be seen whether or not humans are up to the challenge...

Regardless.. it's a hell of a time to be alive, and especially to be a part of the vanguard of rationality (yes, Steemit; believe it or not... see my introductory post.)

Now is the time of Heroes... <3

What a great response @yestermorrow, I love it :-)

I have several "shit or get off the pot" moments each day lately, that's why this reaction comes late ;-)

I also read the article you linked, upvoted it because I really like it, but haven't got time to respond in a meaningful way right now; it's a difficult question @thetreeoflife asks here, one that would take some time to explore. I really don't know if "bloomers" need the motivation provided by the emergencies "survivors" normally thrive in... My gut reaction is to say yes, but I also believe we're as neuroplastic as the author says we are in the first part of the article. But then again that neuroplasticity is also triggered by external factors, ultimately we're a product of our environment mostly. So that's a difficult one to answer concisely.

As for the "looking out for number one" thingy: I agree immediately that's an essential survival mechanic. It's just not the only or most essential one. We made it the most essential one, the only one even, and have forgotten that we are tribal creatures first; it's no coincidence in my book that more and more young people are feeling alienated from everyday life, that depression is rising everywhere, as well as child suicides. Many studies and theories say that this tribal organisation breaks down when the tribe reaches more than around 500 individuals, because that's the maximum number of people we can have meaningful relations with. But most of these don't incorporate the new "global citizen" way of relationships through the internet on large distances. I believe that, even with a little help from A.I. if necessary, we are able to expand the size of our tribe. I also believe that all we have done until now is trying to shrink that tribe to a number of exactly 1 persons, me, myself and I.

We have created an environment that denies the importance of social connectivity, and no Facebook or Twitter will replace that. All I'm saying is we're no islands, there are no lone wolves and even our heroes are worthless without the larger community around them. Let's organize our lifes around that reality instead of the fantasy that you can manage by yourself. No one can. At least, that's my conviction.

It's a hell of a time to be alive, you're absolutely right. I've been saying this for years now, but it's going to be interesting to see where we're headed in the next ten years :-)

Thanks so much again, @yestermorrow. I hope I understood you alright and this response actually makes sense ;-) <3

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