[life]. When you do something good, it will come back to you. That is Good Karma.​

in #life7 years ago

The beach is nature's playground. Many like that visceral (deep inward feeling) attraction when spending time at the beach. For me there is no better remedy for relieving stress than having fun in the sun, the beach is the most amazing place to relax.

I go to the beach to recharge by soaking up the beauty of the bright blue sea, the tranquil sound of the crashing waves, smelling the earthy and salty scents of the ocean and feeling the sea breeze against my skin.

Some of the time I like to sunbathe and read for relaxation.
Most of the time I like to frolic in the water with my kids.
Swimming in the sea is somehow completely different from swimming in a pool.
Searching for hermit crabs or playing around in the tidal pools looking for sea creatures are daily activity for my family when on holiday.
We love flying a kite and enjoy building sandcastle or either burying each other so you can only see the head or adding a mermaid tail to the lower body.
The children and I also enjoy playing beach rugby, tennis or volley ball.
For us, it is all about having as much fun as possible in all we do.

The health benefits:

The salt water accelerates the healing of wounds, cuts and scrapes, it even dries out chicken pocks and pimples.
The sand is a natural exfoliator to help peel off those dead skin from your feet and body which gives it that wonderful glow.
There is no better workout than swimming in the waves, jogging knee high in the water or walking briskly. You will definitely burn tons of calories.
Who does not enjoy Vitamin Sunshine? Vitamin D is essential for bone health.

It is always great fun watching others Boogie boarding, snorkelling, kayaking, canoeing, wind surfing, surfing, sailing or fishing when you are not busy with these activities yourself.

Life’s A Beach
© Patricia polka
This is dedicated to my best friend, peewee minta
At the beach, life’s different.
Time doesn’t move,
Waves crash the ocean front,
Kissing my feet.
Sea glass glistens in the sun,
The warm air dances around me
Giving a new start to the world.
The sand tingles under my feet
Like being tickled by love.
Laying on the beach shore,
Tanning the day away.
The tans may fade,
But memories
Never do.

It will be interesting to hear what you love about a beach holiday, so please leave a comment!

Image Credit

The market is a lowly-traded crapcoin, so I made it moon 364.79% with only ~$200!That got me about 0.02% of the entire supply.The better price at the moment could've actually been 10x lesser than what I paid for, but I just snagged whatever's on the sell book.Note there isn't any ICOs involved in this, and the token is non-inflationary, capped at 888 million GOODs.All said, I might just be wasting some dough on this, but I must admit that I like the package a little too much.Plus, the seemingly experienced founder (Kosmost) claimed to have been the inventor of the ICOs that we know of today, providing the following responses in his FAQ:-
You didn't invent the ICO.Come on!

Somebody did.And it just so happens it was me.I conceived of it in March 2014 for the old Karmacoin (through a new entity called Karmashares) and we launched on April 18, 2014.

Although MaidSafe and Mastercoin both held 'crowdsales' before then, they were not ICOs.Crowdfunding is merely a method of fundraising, whereas an ICO raises coins for both capital and as a representation of ownership interest in an enterprise, like a digital stock certificate.We referred to the new model as POC (proof-of-coin, to secure the coin's economy) and IPOCOs (Initial Public Offerings for COins, for subsidiaries or derivatives).In fact, we even had digital certificates:https://goo.gl/XJ9yVh to go along with our list of ownershttp://web.archive.org/web/20140626124054/http://karmashares.com:80/explorer-v01 as well as bonus periods for earlybirds.We also reached out to other coins like ReddCoin and the broader cryptocurrency community to consider the same kind of model.

I have been, however, trying to get people to consider the difference between the two terms:https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6lbo1v/as_the_guy_who_invented_the_first_true_ico_i

So why isn't this an ICO?

You'll notice that most legitimate ICOs today do not allow anyone that lives or resides in the US to join in the distribution.What's not being considered is that the people running the ICO should not be US residents or citizens, either.It is likely to constitute an “investment contract” by the SEC per the US Securities Act of 1933 as thus fall into the domain of an unregistered security.It is the reason I shut down Karmashares.

Until the SEC changes their guidance on securities and equity derivatives in favor of ICOs, I won't even think about it (and advise others residing in the US or who are US citizens not to, either).


?I hope your days are fun.

Beach save a million meaning, the beach can relieve the feeling of depression .... thank you for posting.

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