The Story of Bang Tender: A Toilet Sweeper from Aceh To Jakarta -Part # 1 [BILINGUAL]

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I almost panicked, my house's fecal well began full, even started out and almost flowed into the neighbor's house.

Saya hampir panik, sumur tinja rumah saya mulai penuh, bahkan mulai keluar dan hampir mengalir ke rumah tetangga.

I remembered again"Bang Tender" The Toilet Sweeper who hardly anyone in Lhokseumawe City does not recognize. In 2006, I once "tender" the office toilet I work in around Mon Geudoeng Village. I am very satisfied, the result of his work. Then, in the year of 2009 our new office toilet in Blang Panyang Village, Lhokseumawe City also, apparently stoppers as well. Luckily, at that time I still keep the number his mobilphone number. Bang Tender coming, the trouble overcome.

Saya kembali mengingat "Bang Tender" Si Tukang Sedot WC yang hampir tidak ada orang Kota Lhokseumawe yang tidak mengenalinya. Pada tahun 2006, Saya pernah men"tender"kan WC kantor tempat saya bekerja dulu di sekitar Desa Mon Geudoeng. Saya sangat puas, hasil kerjanya. Lalu, pasa tahun 2009 WC kantor kami yang baru di Desa Blang Panyang, Kota Lhokseumawe juga, ternyata sumbat juga. Beruntung, waktu itu saya masih menyimpan nomor hanphonenya. Bang Tender datang, masalah teratasi.


Now, when my home at home in the Kandang area, Lhokseumawe City is back in trouble, I tried to find a contact number in my mobilephone. It turns out there is no more, can be stored in the internal memory of mobilphone, so that when damaged mobilphone is not listed again on my new Android Smartphone

Kini, saat WC dirumah saya di kawasan Kandang, Kota Lhokseumawe kembali bermasalah, saya mencoba mencari-cra nomor kontaknya dalam handphone saya. Ternyata tidak ada lagi, bisa jadi tersimpan di memori internal HP, sehingga saat Hp rusak tidak terdaftar lagi di HP Android saya yang baru.

I remembered again the usual place he often hung, namely arround Kutablang, Lhokseumawe. Several times I went there, Bang Tender is not visible. Just a pamphlet with his contact number. Then, I take notes and save on my smartphone.

Saya kembali mengingat-ngingat tempat biasa dia sering mangkal, yaitu seputara Kutablang, Kota Lhokseumawe. Beberapa kali saya kesana, Bang Tender tidak nampak. Hanya aa sebuah pamplet yang tertulis nomor kontaknya. Saya, lalu mencatat dan menyimpan di HP saya.

I hurried home, got home, I tried to call him, but the number was not active.

Saya bergegas pulang, sampai di rumah, saya coba memanggilnya, tetapi nomornya tidak aktif.

"Already ... we call Toilet Car Service only" my wife said.

"Do not always, tomorrow I try to find him again, pity him, other ways we can not help, but we love this job for Bang Tender" I replied.

Ya sudah...kita telpon Mobil Jasa Sedot WC saja" kata istri saya.
"Jangan dulu, besok Saya usaha cari dia lagi, kasihan dia, cara lain kita bantu pun tidak bisa, selain kita kasih pekerjaan ini untuk Bang Tender" jawab saya.

Tomorrow afternoon, I returned to the daearha Kutablang, this time I asked to the resident's home where he used to often hanging.

"Ohh .. he's rarely come here, used to be very often here" replied the middle-aged man I asked.

"Ohh .. keep him now where live?" I asked again.

"He lives on Jalan Pase, Kampung Keudee Aceh" answered the man again.

"Well .. thank you sir, soon I go there" I replied

Esok sore, saya kembali ke daearha Kutablang, kali ini saya tanya ke rumah penduduk tempat biasa dia sering mangkal.
" Ohh.. dia sudah jarang kemari, dulu sangat sering kesini" jawab orang laki-laki paruh baya yang saya tanyai.

"Ohh..terus dia sekarang dimana tinggal?" tanya saya lagi.
"Dia tinggal di Jalan Pase, Kampung Keudee Aceh" jawab laki-laki itu lagi.
"Baiklah..terimakasih pak, segera saya kesana" jawab saya

I headed towards Pase Street, Keude Aceh Village, where I asked her home as my acquaintance.

"Ohh..that's the house, the long row house is lined up," replied my friend who is also the people of Keudee Aceh Village, while pointing to the rented house that wood contruction.

Soon I headed that way, as I got there, I entered a small and narrow alley, I continued to go towards the end of the rental house, because there was an old man ojek was sitting with a small child.

Saya pun segera menuju ke arah sana, sesampai di sana, saya masuk gang kecil dan sempit, saya terus masuk menuju ujung rumah sewa deret itu, karena disana ada oarang lelaki tua sedang duduk dengan anak kecil.

"He is not there, try to Mosque Islamic Center, he's a parking man, there

"Dia tidak ada, coba ke Mesjid Islamic Center, dia tukang parkir disana.

As soon as I was going to excuse myself, I suddenly came out a long-haired young man with narrow-eyed eyes in shorts without a shirt.

"Find Whose,?" asked the man
"Search Bang Tender" I replied
"Oh..he has been out, ordinary if he's there, there's his bike in front, I'll tell him, that somebody's looking for"

I talked again and gave my address to the longish boy.

I went back without meeting "Bang Tender"


Begitu saya mau permisi pulang, tiba-tiba keluar seorang anak muda berambut gondrong dengan mata sipit mengenakan celana pendek tanpa baju.
"Cari siapa Bang"tanya lelaki itu
"Cari Bang Tender" jawab saya
"Oh..dia telah keluar, biasa kalau dia ada, ada sepedanya di depan, nanti saya bilang ke dia, bahwa ada orang cari"

Saya pun berbincang lagi dan memberi alamat saya ke anak laki-laki gondrong itu.

Saya pun kembali tanpa bertemu "Bang Tender"



Saya tinggu kelanjutan kisah yang sangat inspiratif ini...

Ok bg@yoesrizalrusli

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