Moderne Interpretation von Hamlet/ Modern Interpretation of Hamlet - 'SIBWA Challenge Week 7'

in #life6 years ago

Wer in der Nähe von Karlsruhe/Rastatt wohnt, gerne ins Theater geht und Shakespeare Hamlet mag, sollte sich die Theateraufführung "Hamlet" des Jugendtheaters Phoenixtheater Rastatt e.V. nicht entgehen lassen!!! Die Regisseurin Jaqueline Frittel ist eine junge und sehr talentierte Regisseurin, die schon ganz viele Auszeichnungen für ihre Theater-Projekte mit Jugendlichen bekommen hat. Definitiv sehenswert und läuft noch bis Samstag, 21.04.2018 :-)))

Everybody, who lives near Karlsruhe/Rastatt and who loves the theater and especially Shakespeare should not miss the opportunity to watch "Hamlet" by the youth theater group Phoenixtheater Rastatt e.V!!! The theater director, Jaqueline Frittel, is a young and very gifted director, who received many awards for her groundbreaking theater projects with young people. This play is definitely excellent und you can watch it until Saturday, April 21th 2018:-))


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Ihre Bundeskanzlerin

Good 'trailer' :-) Will they make a DVD of the production?

Hey powerfulwonders, you're back:-))) So happy, that you liked the trailer, the play was also very good! I asked the director about the DVD and she told me that they have a DVD only for internal use because of legal issues;-)

That's a shame but thank you for asking!

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