A Week off Discord

in #life6 years ago (edited)

So this week, some of you may already know that I'm off Discord for the week. Well, supposedly off but I do check in from time to time in case an emergency pops up in one of my communities. But the reason I decided to take this week off from Discord was that I needed to get my heart and mind in place again. Before I continue, this post is going to be one of those 'real & it gets as genuine as it can' post that I've not posted for quite awhile now. I always think being real is important and at least I can be honest.

When my friends found out I was going to be off discord , some of them said it was time to buy '4D'. '4D' is a jackpot lucky draw ticket where if you hit the jackpot, you win millions from the stash. So what they meant was, 'OMG Zord is going off Discord? IMPOSSIBLE!' It's like the sky suddenly rain meatballs.

And I don't blame them for saying that because I seem to ALWAYS be on discord whenever wherever and just cause my work and the time I have are usually spent in front of the computer. But honestly, living a bachelor life has its pros and cons. I do have a lot of time to myself, unless I work 24/7, which I don't. I can do whatever I want to, also because my family is staying in the East and are well off there. But that also means that I sometimes I have too much time on my hands, I begin to be paranoid about certain things, think about things that are unnecessary and sulk in problems at home alone.

A lot of people would think that I'm busy, but actually, I do have a lot of time on my hands. I sometimes also envy that some people have families to be with, a partner or kids to communicate with. And that definitely takes a lot of those unnecessary thoughts away, it is very unlike living home alone.

So what I'm trying to say is that living a bachelor life isn't as easy as it seems too. We sometimes have no one to talk to. And I'm pretty sure it goes out to all others who are living alone.


Oh Zord, why are you ranting?

On the plus side,

I'm grateful that I was able to actually get out of my house today to meet up with a few close friends of mine. I didn't take a photo with them but I took photo of the food, if that counts :) It was good to just talk about what's going up and bout each other's life rather than staying at home and indulging & sulking about things. It really does help!

So get out there!

I had a hearty meal with them and later on we lounge a Netflix comedy standup by Dave Chapelle. We went for ice cream and desserts after that and realized it was still the World Cup season, Mcdonalds was packed without seats.

My Passion for Animation Pays Off

I was told yesterday that the Korean Cartoon TV Series that my team and I was working on will finally be premiering the first episode on Saturday Morning which was today! After months of grinding and hard work in the office, we most likely get to see our names on the credits. And IF my name is inside, it will be my FIRST ever project that was credited.

Usually, an outsourced company wouldn't be credited in the end scene but my HR told me that the company asked for out full names. fingers crossed

Check out the trailer to the show that was just aired!


PayWithSteem Launch


For all the things I look forward to, this is one of the most important one that my team and I have been working on for months! And anytime now, it will come to fruition.

Paywithsteem is going to launch this month, fingerscrossed again. And I can finally see this service be of help to the Steemit platform. This service will be very helpful for those who are looking to sell their products, open market offers and buy products that want from STEEM and trade fiat for STEEM.

I've also finished a few promotional banners which will be posted next week in my design posts so stay tune for that! I can't wait to share these with you guys.



A Little Personal

I know I went a little bit personal in this post which you don't get very often. I know the last 'personal' post was a few months back but I was thinking that it would be good to sometimes go on the personal level with you guys. It's as real as it gets.

But hey, it sure does feel a lot better pen-ing this down and I can't wait to get back on Discord soon. Man, I seriously can't live without it. Hahaha.


Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on meetups, animation, and designs.

Get your Personalized Steemit Profile Banner,Logos & GIFs

DM me on discord : zord189#7776


Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://zord189.vornix.blog/2018/07/08/a-week-off-discord/


was on discord for a couple days but i can't handle any more fucking messaging aps. for real

Haha, yea it can get pretty overwhelming if ur new to it and the communities. After awhile, u'll get the hang of it.

Lol, nice meeting you tonight! 😉

likewise :) Catch up soon

As extraordinary as always my cricket!

Though I myself wasn't on very much I missed you!! Hahaha. Mengada betul!

No I did notice it. We appreciate your presence more than you realise. Not that it means I want you on 24/7.

This is the time to hangout, go for activities and play!! I hope you have more meetups! Aisey, my plans.gor yesterday went sideways in the last minute, so went for antman. It was good! But for a few embarrassing minutes I entered the wrong theatre and was confused as to why someone was in my seat!! Hahaha.

I digressed..... Oooh, what I meant to say is, aiya don't be shy la. Ajak je ppl keluar! Yes we all have a tonne of excuses but we always have time for a quick chat!

Congrats on getting credited . Whether the name appears or not, the work does!

And pay with steem. You've been busy !

Hope we get to have a physical catch up soon. Xx

Hahaha! Kan! Tipu tipu, curi masuk

Haha his love is still in Discord :P

Wow, can't fully imagine the aspect of loneliness like you did.

I'm living with my family, but when I unintentionally cut myself off from my dance, Toastmasters, and other social life earlier in Feb, I kinda began to feel quite crazy around May-June. I kept feeling furious and depressed as I went on with my day at work

It's definitely good to keep connected and keep away from unnecessary thoughts (of course, not as a compulsive avoidance)... .

Though I wonder if you've gained a certain clarity from being alone though!
Hope all's well!!

Haha, nice! Cool you're quite likely to get named in the credits of a show for the first time! :)

And yaaasss, I'm wondering what we're gonna be seeing in the Pay With Steem platform! Looking forward to that!

This sure deserve to be advertised aka resteemed! A good rest for the soul! :D Good on you!

Or when you have an annoying discord friend who keeps poking you because she doesn't know that you are off of discord for a week... lol guilty

Hahaha, pokes.

missed is the understatement of the year....

Yip, I agree with @jaynie! you were missed.


Come back @zord189... it's too quiet without you...
You know it should be called DisZord
But on a more serious note, I would look at my friends who don't have kids and miss the free time they have, and my friends who are like you tell me how lonely it can get..
Funny right?
Well, I was asked to recommend one post for a 50% post at neoxian city, and I shared this.... so discord is not too bad... and will catch up with you for some the tarik later :)

True, the 'grass is always greener on the other side' kind of thing.' I'll be back tonight for TTS. Wow, thanks for sharing my post! Will see u later

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