Money Is Not Everything.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Whoever we are, definitely do not want our old age like this is not it? therefore do not wait until late, Begin to prepare the concept of the right life.

Money Is Not Everything, But Do not Forget, Everything Needs Money

Proverbs or the wisdom words, must be addressed wisely and wisely, Sentences beautiful sentence, do not get drugged us, so wrong determine the direction of life.

Wrong address, can ruin a plan, wrong determine the direction of life, can bring our whole family in misery.

Therefore, the sentence should be beautiful, packed so cleverly, it should always be placed no more than an input or an: "Option". Word: "Option or optional" clearly establishes a straight line, that the word wise, overreacted,

The most we hear is: "

Money is not everything in life and money is not the number one most important "

There is a piece of truth in this sentence, that indeed money is not everything

Having money is not necessarily happy and family

Having money does not mean that all problems can be solved immediately

With money, we can only buy pleasure, but not happiness

Under certain circumstances, money no longer means anything, there is division within the family

However, do not forget that the visible truth is not an essential truth. There is something else, to understand, that: "

Everything in life needs money "

Like it or not, it is a fact and a reality, Facts are not always in harmony with the human thought, even facts sometimes collide with the ideals that have been ingrained,

This is where maturity in the way of thinking and attitude we are required, to wisely and wisely differentiate, which things should be grip, which need to look at the situation and conditions.

The Mind Predicts Reality

Imagine retiring sitting in a rocking chair while mangku grandchildren? It is ancient, a paradigm or a very wrong way of thinking, Which consequently creates human manuisa elderly to be pitied, Being a human being desires of life and just waiting for pityed children grandchildren. How sad life is like this.

Life without activity, will become saturated and worthless. We may just cast our imagination as high as the star in the sky, but do not forget that we live in a dynamic environment. Life is always moving and as good as any person, no human being able to hold life in the grip of his hand,

Life moves from time to time and from one corner to another. Anyone who lives static and waiting, then he will be affected by the flow of life. Life is not always gentle, Life can not sort and distinguish which young people and where the parents, all treated the same.

Not infrequently life is hard and cruel, and not compassionate ,, No matter how a human child lamenting his fate, which was already bad, will not change anything ,,

Do not mistakenly indulge and inculcate in that:
I am old,

already retired

and relax life,

while sitting in a rocking chair "

Every now and then indulge yourself, sitting relaxed at home, while enjoying a cup of coffee, of course very reasonable and good. If we can not respect ourselves, how others can appreciate

But to let the thought of anesthetize, that life will be good forever, is a mistake, one that will be lamented forever, It is We who drive our future, according to what we design and believe. Because the mind precedes a reality. Because it needs occasional self-introspection, so do not go wrong determine the direction of life to the fore.

The Concept of Life Depends on the Settled Mind

This paper does not mean to patronize anyone, Just share their own life experiences and also learn from other people's life experiences

Deciding something. Moreover, it is not only about our personal life, but also will have an impact on the lives of our families and our children and grandchildren. It would be better if we consider wisely.

We may say that we are not a money oriented type of man. But again do not forget, without money in hand, then we will be shackled in our seats, Because the undeniable reality is that whatever will be done, everything needs money

The concept of a future life, as well as the concept of life that will be lived in the enjoyment of retirement, is created by the thoughts we consume in our minds. Therefore, the idealism lodged in our mind needs to be harmonized with the reality of life, that reality does not obey the flow of mathematical science. Because it has its own path and concept, which is mysteriously veiled in the science of life.

Probably, people who graduate with predicate: "magna cumlaude or summa cum laude" is one of the most famous universities in the world, failing a simple life test, but needing a self-learning process to master it

May we all graduate with the best grades in every exam at the University of Life.

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