The Wisdom of the Grave & Why You Should Quit Your Job, Immediately!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

You want to quit your job ..

.. but the everyone you know is trying to stop you. Only you know how miserable that 40 hours of hell makes you - being looked down upon by lower quality human beings, being berated for the slightest error, while all your good efforts go entirely unrecognized. Under-appreciated, under-paid, left with barely enough to pay your debts to the slave masters?

You are not alone!

But what to do .. your girlfriend says "No way!", your siblings say, "Count Your Blessings!", and you don't want to worry your parents with such thoughts, but you know what they would say .. "When I was your age .. we'd be lucky to have such work conditions .. "

Deep down inside ..

You know you could do more, earn more, be more, and most importantly of all, you would be happier .. you're done there, they have taken enough advantage, it's time to be fearless, to leap before you look, to take a chance and allow something GREAT to happen!

Why you are not wrong, and that your heart is correct .. it's time to take a chance, it's time to bet on YOU!

Once, long ago, I was complaining about something I thought was very important .. very serious indeed! I was obsessively angered by something that was completely out of my control .. it was about what I presumed were negative thoughts someone had about me, someone higher up in our organization that had power over my fate - I felt that my immediate bosses were misrepresenting me, and ruining my chances for advancement.

A wise co-worker told me, it matters what they think, but all you can do is to keep doing what you're doing, day after day, but you ultimately have no power to change their minds. The fact is, they have you right where they want you - they know you do good work, but they do not want you to advance because then you will threaten them - so they will talk shit about you, and belittle you to the upper echelon to keep you exactly where you are. They have power to move you, up or out, but they won't .. the only other person who has that power, is you!

Then he gave me the best advice anyone can give another person ..

You can make a change, or continue without .. but either way, do not let it trouble your mind, you have to be happy every day of your life, or you are destroying your life - you are the most important person on Earth, and you're going to die. When you are troubled, compare the thing that disturbs you, to your inevitable death.

Be happy every day, and if that is not possible you must change the way you spend each day, and when you're done, you can rest ..


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I spent 10 years in the butchers union, miserable, everyone told me to stay. Its a good job, benefits, blah blah blah. Finally I quit 8 years ago to start my own company, now I have 3 corporations and loving life.

Best advice I can give. Don't make your life decisions based on what you think others will say or think about you, its not their life, its yours. act.

Nice post, I quit my job 4 years ago, and even though economically there have been difficulties I do feel better, I used to have a persistent headache and that is gone, so I think I made the right decision.

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