My vision of our impact on earth. Why are we here? Where are we going?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


After a diagnosis of personality and a persistent self-evaluation of years, I discovered myself as a human being unable to carry out repetitive work or to subjugate myself to the power of capitalism by entering into an ethical confrontation in almost all the big companies where I signed contract and in situations of everyday life where I saw my values ​and ideals attacked, always trying to deal with these obstacles in the most polite way and following standard etiquette.

I also discovered myself as a human promoter and a catalyst for good energies (since I was young that my parents warned me that I was not a defense attorney, when I tried to defend something that I saw injustice in), I want to get out of the people the best they have to give To the world and to show that in fact we are all beautiful and have our core value.

It sounds like a sacristan speech, but if it is used by religions and most of the pacifist entities, why not adopt it also?

As well as this question has arisen several deeper ones also had:

What do you want to do before you die?
If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do?
What do you spend too much time doing?
What new habit would you like to adopt?

A report of a girl who was also driven by life to create the audacity to question.

Although these issues have arisen in recent years, there has always been one that has pursued me vigorously and constantly:

With the certainty of the ephemerality of our planet and the slowness of scientific and technological development, I imagined myself to be the last example of the human being on the face of the planet and what a disgrace ... Was it worth living? Was it valid to be a "kind or mean" person? The astonishment of the end of existence and the imagination of which way we would have gone until we reached this depressing point removed all fears from me. After all, the moments are what we get and the motto carpe diem made more sense. But what if, in the meantime, I had a child and the definition of love was cosmic and immeasurably outdated, I would like him to suffer the vision of the end of human life and existence? What parent would I be to allow such pain to be endured? Would this pain kill? The pain I would feel, if I knew that, would be less. But what if it was his son's? Would I feel the same pain as my grandchild? What if it was a child of my grandson? Love brings pain, will it be so much? Would he die capable of letting this consciousness go on and ignoring what was coming?

This chain of reasoning can be sustained to the limit that has already been said and the "why" of existence would remain unanswered, and the carriage of its pain and its immeasurable love are inevitable.



As such, and with the help of the brazenness that I developed with friendships and professional obligations I gained another strength, I concluded that the noblest thing we can do is not try to prevent this pain from being endured without the awareness that this end can wait for us. It is well that the "cheerful goofy" is the real happy man and that ignorance is a blessing in some ways, but not in this. One must be kind to other people and treat all beings nobly and respectably. Never forget that such honour has the baker who makes the bread we eat as the judge ruling the fate of an innocent or the "brothers" that take care of garbage collection or the doctor who does delicate surgeries.

A documentary that matters watching to kill indifference.

With this I take this opportunity to challenge some of you who are in front of a computer to read this, or in any other device, to remember that good deeds are practised daily with animals, plants, etc. that surround us, not in a sporadic, but in a definitive way. Dumping the garbage of an elderly woman who lives downstairs when we see her in a muddle or water the neighbor's plants when they are dry may not be enough, warn the neighbor to water them persistently and accord with the neighbor the best time to dump the 2 garbage (yours and hers) and save the lady's task. Oh, and give out coins without to homeless whom you regularly pass on the way to work? Yes although the actual help will be to take an afternoon to get to know the person and refer it to a support centre and it would not be so hard to look 10 min every day to look for work on the internet until the person can manage itself.

I do not want to say that we must dedicate our lives to take care of others and not our needs, it would be hypocrisy because I still do not do it, I want to focus your attention in a pluralistic and solidary conscience, and do not forget the private and social entertainment, which we have as a standard in our reward center and is ours by right. Even I am extremely sloppy and I love watching football and playing console with friends, as well as movies, music shows etc ...

A small visual clip of a meditation I usually do while wondering.

This is the path I try to walk for myself, more markedly in recent times, because we are a being of the community and we must treat it as our own, including the whole planetary system that keeps us without ever forgetting the fun. For this, I have tried to change also my reward centre and the way my body creates serotonin because the main foundation of the pedagogy is: all that is learned can also be unlearned.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Together I leave some songs from some bands that fill my spirit because my faith is in the message that they pass

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Save The Population

Gaucho- Dave Matthews Band

Faithless - To all new arrivals

Original Version

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