Dreams and Ambition: Life is Tough but keep Going !

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hola Como Estas? Hi Steemians its always my pleasure to post here and share something to this beautiful community. Today i will be sharing something #inspirational and hoping you'll be feeling exceptional. Today is about our #dreams and #ambition in life. Something that is interesting right?

Most of the time we are asked by people that surrounds us what is our dream, right? Like what you want in life growing up.. something like that and most of the time we also answered the question not on a serious note right? i feel you with that.
Have you ever wonder about what will be your life? LIke most of us do,Everyone has their image in there head of what they want their life to be. Where they want to go in life, what they want to explore or what kind of job, home many kids, where you want to live. Right?


Yes , you've heard it right, growing up i always had a dream. I dream big usually like having my own mansion, my own toys etc. I always fantasize these things and coming from a middle class family has further pushes me to be driven in life. But we are left hanging with a question.....


At first, I really thought that dreams and ambition are just completely the same, but i was COMPLETELY WRONG!
Although they are much connected with each other the two words actually differs in some ways. According to my research i found at Thesaurus.com

DREAM (noun)
1.a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.

  1. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.

  2. an aspiration; goal; aim

  3. a wild or vain fancy.

  4. something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.


  1. an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment

  2. the object, state, or result desired or sought after

  3. desire for work or activity; energy

So basically we can easily conclude the difference "ambition usually refers to somebody having a desire — a much stronger feeling than a dream. A dream is something that we can idly pursue, without taking any steps to achieve it." With this definitions i can conclude that there are two types of people two kinds of people : Dreamers and Ambitious one. Do you agree?
This leads me to my second question.


For me ideally, having this dream and ambition in life is indeed very much essential as individuals as these two things starts motivation and desire on what we really want in life.The crucial one with this is just how to achieved this. Dreams and ambition for me has to be be a realistic and attainable one.
Dreams are very IMPORTANT . Without dreams, there will be no ambition to chase. There will be no goal to reach. I always reminds myself with this !

Always reminds our self too that nothing comes easily within our hands and that we can’t achieve anything in life without goals, and for these goals, we need to dream.
Like what the famous saying says "Success doesn't come overnight" and that it will take perseverance, hardwork and dedication in life to achieved our desired paths in life.Big ones or small ones dream is a dream. Even the most successful people had dreams and that is what has made them what they are today. Right?
But with dreams, comes great responsibility. It is just not enough to dream and forget about that dream you imagined. There are ways and step to the road to your success. I've always been very clear about what I wanted in life -- to be a successful businessman but as time goes by and as I've gotten older, my vision has morphed into a whole-life dream.


1. To finish College and get my Degree
That's me during my High school graduation and unfortunately that's the only thing i can show you for now. Currently I am in my 3rd year in my College taking up Bachelor in Arts In History. I love my course, it is very challenging and i love History as subject. My course enables me to dig deep and to have a wider perspective on things around me. I learned so many things around the world in terns of #history, #geography and many things that my course requires.
So this is the University where i am currently studying. It is located in Iligan City, Philippines. This University is MSU-IIT, one of the most affordable yet one of the best in the country. The training is great as well.

Education plays a very vital role in making my life as complete and fulfilling as possible like most of us do. College is my first step to achieved my dream. After getting my degree for sure there are a lot of things waiting for us like great job, a good social reputation are few of the many.

For the job of your dreams then a good education is paramount and that means working hard throughout school. It is very important that even as young as we are are today, we valued education the most.
My grandmother always told me that "an educated person has more chances of landing up a good high paying job. Everybody wants a good life but the good life!" Which is very true, And growing up i don't always get what i wanted so it is very important for us to work hard as we can for it.
If we finish our degree, chances are high that we achieved our dreams in life.
My plans are that after finishing my degree, i will be teaching College or if i have plan to pursue Law. Sound's ambitious but better than nothing, and if you don’t have a dream, you can never enjoy the luxuries of life or all that life has to offer. You will never feel that ecstatic feeling of achievement.

2. To be Financially Independent
Here is another important dream that most of us really wanted. To be Financially independent from asking money from our parents right?
"Being financially independent means exactly what it says: You are not dependent on anyone or anything to pay your bills."

It will definitely feels good to not be depending on your parent's money. To be able to pay your own debts, bill with your own money is satisfying.It is essential that we set this goal that really define what financial independence will look like for each of us.

3. To give back
After being Financially independent, It will be good to give back. Basically i grow up with my grandparents for the past 20 years of my existence, they both have shown unconditional love and support for me throughout my ups and down.

That's my Lola and My Lolo <3. family is really important to me and I cannot imagine living my life without my family by my side like what most of us feels.Without my family, a large part of my life and culture would be missing and throughout difficult times full of of doubt, insecurity, and fear, my family is always there for me, holding their arms open to me with love and that matters the most.
After all their sacrifices it is good to give back something to them
I am giving back because it substantiates my purpose on earth. Helping and giving back, it would give me happiness and joy in my heart.I want to live a life of service which is the essence of life that i strongly believes and even beyond that, is a great privilege to serve the amazing people who make my life beautiful each day.

4. To Travel and Explore
Yes, Like most of us, a childhood dream of mine is to #travel and #explore around the world. I always imagined myself before to go on a different places and eat some exotic foods. This childhood dream of mine has led me to #memorize the places around the globe. Yes seriously this became an obsession though. I memorized all the countries and capitals in the world which later on became very helpful in my course. There is nothing quite like traveling, like seeing a new place for the first time or returning to a favorite place indeed.

Travelling is very essential, we you felt so lost and confused, remember this “You just need to go somewhere, change your environment, and meet new people?
All you really want to do is fill your lungs with air you’ve never tried before; make your heart pound at a speed you didn’t know was possible, exciting right? As a risk taker, I always love to explore to great challenges.When travelling, you will inevitably meet a lot of new people. Some of them will become friends of yours, some will remain strangers.
Most of us has a dream place and destination right? so here are mine

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Oh Maldiveeees ! I always imagined myself swimming or Scuba diving in here. "Maldives is called as “the tropical paradise” for reasons. Its beauty is none like other. Maldives is a tropical country with separated islands, which are separated by sea."The oceans and seas have always been mysterious at depths never reached before where live creatures not yet known to man.

South Korea Is another place that i'm truly obsessed with visiting one day, from its beautiful people that we see on television each day to flowery spring landscapes, sandy beaches, rocky mountains and quietly stunning historic sites. It is really something to look forward too.Discovering a new land, a new language, new money and all the little challenges that go along with it Visiting rare places, trekking, etc. and learning new thing onto higher perspective is something i am really looking forward to do soon.

Ambitious people are successful most of the times, so lets always focus on what we really wanted in our life. Chasing on our dreams big or small will develop our courage in life. Courage that will fuel to achieve amazing success in life, follow your dreams and exercise courage.Through the course of accomplishing our dreams and ambition to make it to reality it is expected that will come to experience challenges and failures and know that failure is just part of success and that it wasn’t really all that bad as it was all worth it in the end and reaching success.
"Your dreams have no limits, you are the creator of your dreams, big or small. When this is understood, you are able to design a way to favour you plan and accomplish your end goal."
Let this be our mindset that no matter how hard it is, It is always POSSIBLE.
We are never too young or old to dream.

I hope you get to learn new things today, thank you for reading !


nice one bro

Thank you so much

youre awesome bro
. you are good in writing, i will waiting your new post.

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