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RE: Sex On The Brain! Liberated or manipulated, Is pornography really a mass lobotomy?

in #life7 years ago

Good read!

My viewpoint on this important subject... the ones who are making millions and billions out of this industry wouldn't want us to view this as a negative thing, or even more alarming, this will be socially, morally and globally accepted in the times to come and have adverse affects for our future generations... Funding the doctors, medical care institutions, media, etc., for their own benefit isn't an obstacle for them either. We live in a world where most negative things are not portrayed to us in a negative way, or in some cases for example this subject that you've highlighted, we see positive elements attached to it instead!

During the WWI and WWII eras, I would say that wartime sexual violence was widely used as part of psychological warfare, and unfortunately, according to many historians, it was believed to be highly effective. Soldiers were permitted at a state level to commit sexual acts, whether or not with consent, that did have a devastating impact on the societies during the post-war era. The way sexual revolution was suggested, portrayed, encouraged, executed, accepted and justified at a global level during those eras, was, to me, the grassroots of what we are seeing around us today. Our brains were programmed in a way that made us accept what shouldn't have been accepted at such a huge level.

The least I expect now is for the kids of our future generations to have limited access to age-restricted material, which, quite evidently, has become a global challenge in the digital world we live. With so many digital touchpoints all around us, and easily accessible material over the internet, it has become really hard for parents and guardians to keep our children away from adult content, and this challenge will only increase if we do not do something about it at a social, moral and global level.


Thank you for your comment. I was not aware of that soldiers were permitted to perform such acts though I am aware that it did happen. I chose not to get to deeply involved in the dark side of the matter, the whole story of how the pill was developed and approved is scandalous and one or more of the inventors seemingly engaged in a number of unspeakable sex orientated experiments. My aim was just to highlight a few points. I think another big problem in society is television, I have deliberately not owned one in over five years. I don't have any children of my own yet but have my first one on the way in five and a half months all being well, and although i would never wish to be dogmatic about anything, I hope to hugely restrict their viewing of television in favor of more social activities.

That is correct.. all the different forms of media did play a huge role in promoting and marketing such content, which surely did have negative impacts, too. However, the negative aspects are never informed as it would adversely affect their businesses and all the money involved in this sector.

And congratulations in advance for the new addition to your family in a few months! :) Although I don't have one either, but I do believe that parenting has become a far greater challenge in this era than it ever was.

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