The existence of buffalo began to rarely seen.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Hi friend smteemian all ... ,,
How are you, let's always be in good health.

Well, this time I will review about four-legged animals, buffalo cultivate as one of the animals who had contributed in the course of the development of the age in the agricultural sector.
Well this news comes from LhokJok Village District Kuta Makmur District of North Aceh. Incidentally this village is my birthplace.

Since ancient times our ancestors have used these four-legged animals as a transportation / plowing of rice fields. But the end of several decades that this buffalo cultivate often disappeared to take this task.
Along with the development of the times, buffalo is considered to slow down the activity in the cultivation of plants.

The buffalo working position has been replaced by the machine. Farming machine is considered the most effective tool by some people.
The existence of buffalo working in my village increasingly disappeared as the engine tractor.
Even recently there is also a rice cutter machine with a fairly sophisticated machine. Great appreciation for that in supporting the economy in the agricultural sector.
However, it later emerged controversial among the lower middle class related to the loss of wage farmer's job.
This solution is very difficult to describe. The essence of technological demands continue to roll from time to time to the countryside despite having a negative value for some people.

Eksistensi Kerbau Garap Mulai Jarang Terlihat.

Hai sahabat smteemian semua...,,
Apa kabar, semoga kita selalu dalam keadaan sehat.

Baiklah, kali ini saya akan mengulas tentang hewan berkaki empat, kerbau garap sebagai salah satu hewan yang pernah ikut andil dalam perjalanan perkembangan zaman di sektor pertanian.
Nah berita ini datangnya dari Desa LhokJok Kecamatan Kuta makmur Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Kebetulan desa ini merupakan tempat kelahiran saya.

Sejak zaman dulu nenek moyang kita sudah menggunakan hewan berkaki empat tersebut sebagai transportasi/alat pembajak sawah. Namun akhir dari beberapa dekade yang ini kerbau garap kerap menghilang untuk ambil tugas ini.
Seiring perkembangan zaman, kerbau dianggap memperlambat aktifitas dalam becocok tanam.

Posisi jatah kerja karbau garap telah digantikan oleh mesin. Mesin penggarap di anggap alat yang paling efektif oleh sebagian masyarakat.
Eksistensi kerbau garap di desa saya kian menghilang seiring adanya mesin traktor.
Bahkan baru-baru ini juga sudah adanya mesin pemotong padi dengan mesin yang lumayan canggih. Apresiasi besar untuk hal tersebut dalam menunjang perekonomian di sektor pertanian.
Namun belakangan timbul kontroversial di kalangan masyarakat menengah ke bawah terkait hilangnya pekerjaan petani upah.
Solusi ini sangat sulit untuk di uraikan. Sudah hakekatnya tuntutan zaman teknologi terus bergulir dari masa ke masa ke pedesaan meskipun memiliki nilai negatif untuk sebagian masyarakat.


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