Why are you chilling? What are you not suffering?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Kevin Spacey Smiling

Why are you chilling? We don't see you suffering
This single rule defines all of humanity, or at least all of us indians, asians, arabs.

You are expected to portray pain, suffering, struggles on your face almost all the time.

If you decided to laugh in office, beware! By the time you get back to your desk, you will have a series of "Reminders" and "Tasks" from your boss, because he believes that you are "chilling" and not really suffering at work. i.e, Smiling is considered as Slacking.

The same applies to your parents, colleagues, neighbors. If you are having a grin on your face, it kills them from within. You might be sipping your favorite beverage or causing no harm at all to the universe. But, It is considered a colossal sin, because you are not found to be stuck with a problem, or crying your heart out, or seeking help from them.

In general, you are expected to wear a frown on your face. Take a walk in any street in India or the Arab world or the far east. How many people have a non-frowning face? is it because they have some serious issue? Not really. It because they don't want to be judged as "chilling". Everyone wants to be the "pitied" one. There is always a chance of getting extra mercy (jumping the line, or a little extra cash), if you were the frown. There is a huge incentive to it.

It also stems from the extremely pervasive religious and superstitious sentiments we are born into. If we smile, its considered as the stepping stone to laziness, slacking, self-pampering or whatever. On the other hand , if we frown, it means we are suffering in life and trying to improve ourselves? I beg to differ. If we frown too much, it we means we are self-obsessed with our personal troubles, that we cannot see beyond it anymore. Not that working on self is bad , but , are you really being sad because you are working on yourselves or is it to show the world that "hey i am not chilling! i am suffering!".

Look at all the religions.
Christianity - We are born from sin (sex). Christ's blood saved us. Adam was tempted. We are bad. We have to earn our way into heaven.
Islam - We are lost. We have collect game points by abiding to religion to increase the our position in the god ladder and be closed to his throne in heaven.
Hinduism - We can only break this endless cycle of birth and rebirth, if we suffer and lead a terrible life.

In short, you are not permitted to sit and watch the clouds, or just take care of your own business. That's a criminal offence. You are expected to follow the herd and have a gloomy face, and wear a mask of suffering. The worst being "putting a sad clown face", when someone walks in and going back to the "i don't give a sh!!" face when they walk out. Pretentious Pompous Pious Relgious Unsophisticated Dishonest worms.

What if Buddha was wrong? What if this life is not a suffering with old age, sickness, confusion, lack of purpose et al.. ? What if , we are ok with the present moment? What if I am not judged by my salary or my attendance to your holy sermon? What if I don't need anything from you unless I ask you of it (and don't want it to be offered for free)? What if what you had for breakfast should not drive our conversation? What if I dont keep a track of how often you communicate with me, and every moment of yours with me is taken for what it is and nothing more or nothing less?

So, go ahead. Wear that Kevin Spacey smile or better yet, wear your own Smile.
I have strong beliefs that Satan was more conscious of the present moment, and smiled more often, than God (as constructed by our religions) taught us to be sad all day, because we were born from sin , into sin, and will be lost sinners all throughout our life.

Smile, or frown. Its your choice. But for heaven sake, don't do it for others sake.

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