Goals and Aspirations - How are you doing?

in #life6 years ago

August 2015 086.jpg

For the majority of us, the New Year is the time when we set our new goals and aspirations for the coming year.

How are you getting on?

I set myself 4 goals for the year and of these, I have achieved 3. That surely must be a success?

The one that continues to beat me is the 'getting fitter and losing a little bit of weight'. Why it continues to beat me is anyone's question. I can only answer this with...…… I seem to be too busy and putting it off until another day.

The moto must always be....


Anyway, lets not dwell on the negatives, one thing I always tell people is concentrate on your positives. What have you done that has benefitted you and others? What successes have you made and how have you made them?

I have known for sometime, that I am a 'visual learner'. I learn and take things in by looking at whatever it is.

In this respect, a 'Visual Notice Board' and a 'Daily To Do List' work wonders for me.

The 'visual notice board' is a series of pictures, odds and ends, words that all go towards giving you the incentives, ideas and reminders to keep you on track.

My 'visual notice board' contains: a not so wonderful picture of myself (lumps and bumps included), colour schemes for my son's bedroom that needed a make-over, the word 'crypto-currency' because I wanted to learn more about this fascinating subject, the website address of our local auction house which I wanted to investigate and start buying from.

You can put whatever you like on your 'visual notice board' as long as it means something to you and spurs you on to achieve your goals and aspirations for the year. Once you have created your board, put it in a place that you will see it on a daily basis. Mine is in my utility room - a place I am often in. Someone has also made a suggestion to have it as my screen saver on my phone.

One other thing about your 'visual notice board', have it horizontal. Our brain is more receptive to it …… apparently.

Your brain is like your own personal Google, when you look at your 'notice board' you will automatically start reminding yourself and searching for opportunities to help with your goals.

The other thing that works wonders for me and helps in my daily life is a 'To Do List'. On this list, I add anything that needs to be done that day or another day during the week. The age that I am (50+), I am often forgetting what I need to do. With the list, it allows me not to waste time worrying about what I have to remember. As I do the things listed, I knock them off. This give then added advantage of seeing what you have achieved for that day. Definitely win win.

All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Turn it horizontal (better for the brain) and head it up with the days of the week at the top. Create the 7 columns and start writing down your things to do on each day. Start a new piece of paper each week.

Why not add the 'To Do List' to the 'Visual Notice Board' - your brain cannot ignore anything then and hopefully seeing that you are achieving things daily will boost enthusiasm to go on to accomplish even more!!!

Good luck with your goals and thank you for reading.



It's time for that already, I haven't even achieved my already set goals. This year is super fast...

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