凡事何必都看淡,自己理解就很好|Why everything is bearish, their understanding is very good

in #life7 years ago

Why everything is bearish, their understanding is very good, determine our life, is our choice.We are losing all the time, we try hard to have more wonderful, but unfortunately only two hands, so we must learn to choose to learn to give up.To understand what we do not need, if the heart's desire is too large, want to grasp anything, may finally catch anything unscathed.Only learn to give up, in order to better hold.Needless to ask, the best will always appear inadvertently.Every day is a chance to change your life.Efforts to operate, to the desired direction of life forward.Work hard for yourself for what you believe; have lofty ambitions and defy anxieties.Do what one can do without overload; as long as there is progress every day.Also, before you do it, you have to decide whether to do it, not to make excuses, and to learn new knowledge and get closer to your goals.What kind of heart you have when you see it.Years get people, young, some things you can not understand; know when young is no longer.

If yesterday all passed, then there is nothing to go tomorrow.Some people say that life is a pleasure; some people say that life is a helplessness.In fact, there are helpless life to enjoy, there are also happy and confused.Life is like a fruit, you slowly in your mouth, chewing, there are many taste spread in your tongue, but also sweet, sour, bitter, also astringent, life has two realms, one isPain but not words, the other is laughing and not language.When we are used to silence, the original is to avoid disappointment.It can be a painful thing to give up, because there is too much desire for life and many long-term dreams for the future. Many things can not be discarded.However, life is sometimes trough, abyss, excessive weight-bearing, may accelerate the fall, and some life and self can be used to overcome, but also to get along, the fate of the wonderful, not only among the impulsive, those dull and quiet, But also another strength of the soul.This life is not long, only cherished, will not miss those beauty and cute, so regret less.

Youth, doomed to bumps, tears and sweat, grievances, unwilling and failed.I feel so aggrieved for myself, but look around, think about it, maybe this is the most correct life, so go will be practical.Whether it is Jifeijiao, or restless, youth is not a comfort, ease is stagnant water, jumped into it can not get out.There are always some things that you want to be unwilling to do. It must happen. The reason why people are worried is that memory is so good.The reason why people are suffering, is the pursuit of too much.The reason why people are not happy, is to care about too much.The reason why people are not happy, there is no contentment.The reason why people live tired, is thinking too much.People are always the contradictory subjects, often in the confusion of hesitation and longing, clinging to secular one-way streets and walking far and back.Faced with fear, wipe tears, wake up every day stronger than yesterday.Some things, it is impossible to do, even if it, do not be embarrassed yourself.Forbearance a forbearance, take a step backward.

People want contentment to be happy, heart should be simple and happy, and life will sometimes be bitter, but also must be raised, evasive not necessarily hiding, the face is not necessarily the most sad, not necessarily unhappy to getNot necessarily long-term, lost not necessarily no longer have.The more people go up, the more the heart should sink, the heart is down, and the foot of the road to go secure.Give yourself a hope every day, try not to worry about tomorrow, not to sigh yesterday, only for today better.Happiness is not for others to see, and has nothing to do with what others say, it is important that your own heart full of happy sunshine, happiness in their own hands, rather than in the eyes of others is a feeling of happiness, this feeling should be pleasant, so thatPeople feel happy, sweet and happy.Forgive their own deficiencies, forgive their own mistakes, start again, go forward is not only time, it should be our own.People are not perfect, happiness is not a hundred percent, can not have so much, why do you ask so much.

Years have long lived a lifetime, Hong Dian touch another year, one's life, in fact, not much needed, a steady heart, steady happiness, is to meet.Life is not easy to live, know how to cherish everything cherished, know how to give up all should give up, know how to grasp everything that should be grasped, know how to enjoy all.Let yourself in this life, enrich, happy, healthy.Cherish everything around you!A few decades of life, time passed quickly, do not miss, come back regret; Do not lose, I know to cherish; Do not let your life, full of regret!People's life, will inevitably have regret.In fact, no regret in life, do not call life.As long as the foot is still on the ground, do not look too light on yourself; do not take yourself too seriously as long as you live in the world.Only put it down, to get affordable.Some more tolerance, more generous, waved, smile, all unpleasant will be the past, happiness and simple, life will be self-sufficient.

Life, that is, in the face of reality, life, is to cross the barrier, there is a balance on himself, on which to measure the good and evil.Life, there is a sense of justice there is a sense of truth, that is always honest and not bullying in the face as a mental pure.Road is out of their own, no reason to regret.Everyone in the growth will be a lot of injuries, will cry, will be sad, will feel pain.After the pain, you are a new one yourself.You have ache, you know; you cross, will be mature; always want to lose what, learn to cherish anything; will learn to change what, to give up what.Life is joyful and sad, there is no need to envy others and add their own troubles.Not not to pursue, but not demanding.Indulge your life, not vigorous, just peace of mind.A little more happy, less troublesome.No matter how much money you spend less, as long as happy like every day, the taste of life has a hundred Flavors, 100 Flavor life everything, why everything bearish, I am happy to be good.


@yujingxuan0914, 伦家就觉得你写得不错嘛~~~ img

BTW, @cn-naughty.boy 淘气包你个死鬼,上次送个LV的A货给我,你现在还好意思出来...


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