The 3 Most Important Things For A Successful Life
Do you want to live a complete life surrounded by all the wonders of this world? If the answer is yes, then please read on.

2. The body
3. The soul It is important for you to live for all 3, since none is more important than the other, nor is concentrating on anyone alone beneficial in the long term. So are you ready to learn more? Well, let’s get started then. Living for the mind is first up.
Living for the mind
The mind enables consciousness, judgement, thinking, perception, and memory. It is therefore essential for you to have a well-developed mind. So how do you develop a strong mind? Well, you need to fill it with quality information. So what would I describe as quality information? Quality information is any sort of information that adds to your life, and does not take anything away. So if you were to read a book on how to set up a successful business. That would be of quality, since you could then use that information to set up a successful business and make your life better. On the other hand, information that I consider of poor quality, includes just sitting at home and watching TV all day long. When you watch programs such as people fighting over husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends and so on, you are actually lowering the content of your mind and filling it with meaningless rubbish. If you fill your mind with rubbish, you will output thinking that is rubbish, a perception of the world that is based on rubbish. You will make judgements that are rubbish, and could even reduce the quality of your memory since that too is built on rubbish. You must spend your time and money on quality things that enhances your mind. So instead of buying those fancy new gadgets, you should take that money instead and travel the world. When you travel, you see the world through the eyes of different people and you also discover new things, about the world and also about yourself. You must develop the intellect, since only the intellect can allow you to come to correct conclusions about the world and life. You can develop your mind considerably, by taking part in intellectual conversations. If you discuss with others about the solutions to problems and other topics along those lines, you will find that your mind feeds off this, producing new ideas and plans of action. Taking part in conversations only about “people being too fat or too skinny” will not help you, since they are a waste of time and energy. The things that your mind thinks about are the things that you will bring into your life. Your mind is too much of a precious thing for you to waste it on crap. Read, travel, and take part in quality discussions, and any other things that will truly develop your mind. But be careful since you do not want to only live for the intellect, and become a know-it-all, or a show off. The intellect should be used to improve your life, and not to trick or outsmart others.Living for the body
Living for the body enables continuous interaction with the world. If you intend to live a long and natural healthy life, then you must care for your body with the at most importance. When you eat well, rest well, and exercise well, you allow your body to remain strong and healthy. It is therefore imperative for you to become successful. Since success in terms of money will allow you to buy the right food, healthcare, and allow you to exclude yourself from overworking. For example; the muscles in the body is like anything else in life, since if you fail to use it regularly and for a certain period of time, it becomes weaker. Having weak muscles will affect you later on in life, since if you do not have strong muscles. Your skeleton will not have anything strong to support it, leaving you with a hunch and bend appearance. Not eating and drinking the right food will also affect your life in the future, since you will be more prone to diseases and organ failures. You must also have adequate rest on a regular basis, so that your body can recover and regain its strength. If you deprive your body of good food, good exercise and rest, and instead feed it with poor food, poor forms of exercise and rest. It too will become poor and of inferior quality. You have seen people who only live for the body. Some over eat and become overweight and unhealthy, while some abuse drugs to enhance their appearance, allowing their health to become a risk. You should not live for the body only, since denying it access to the mind and soul, will also deny it full use of itself.
Living for the soul
The soul controls emotions, thought and actions. If you do not live for the soul, then your actions in life will be unfulfilling. To fulfil the soul, you must find love, and you will find love by giving to the ones you care for. You cannot give to the ones you care for, if you have nothing to give. If you cannot for example; give time, advice, money, friendship, and leadership to those around you, then your soul will forever feel incomplete. You must therefore seek a better life, where you have the means to provide these things. If you only care about your own needs and try to fill your soul in that way, you will quickly find yourself alone, or only surrounded by those seeking personal gain. When your soul has a desire, you truly find something to live for, you gain a purpose in life, and with a purpose in life you find the strength to go on each day. Be careful however, to not only live to give to others, since trying to find your soul through only giving to others, is just as bad as trying to find your soul by only giving to yourself. You must always find some sort of balance. If you live your life for these 3 things, you will find success, since these 3 things are the key to a good life. Please remember to follow me @yourfinesight for more like this.
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Absolutely beautiful....even with just a beautiful soul, you will touch so many people in a positive way that they will lead in example.
Positive MIND and Body language speaks BOOKS!!
May you have an awesome day.
I adore the part that reads "you find love by giving to the ones you care for". I just wrote that down and posted it on my screen and calendar to keep as a reminder. Most people think love is when they fall in love or married and that's not the only way to love and be loved. Thanks for the post, such a wonderful reminder to live life to it's fullest.