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RE: Saturday Randomness...Rules, What Stinking Rules?

in #life6 years ago

Do you have evidence that the Sikhs that got off planes and boats made pledge to your country?

You do realize that your country was founded by criminals you say:

Our country is made of immigrants, from the beginning of it's birth. Not to mention the Native peoples who were here long before anyone else, and sadly they were made to conform to the new "owners" and if they didn't, they paid the ultimate price.

Why exactly do you not want to mention them? The fact that those 'immigrants' were occupiers who oppressed the people unlawfully is not worth mentioning? Yet by stating this you confirmed that you know it.

You say that law is one for all. Why, then, your law that requires wearing a helmet, should be any better than the Sikh law that does not require it?


First, I do not live in Australia, so I don't know where you got the idea it was founded by criminals, and what the fuck are you talking about, "why do you not mention them"/ I did, or am I suppose to name them by name? Finally, sikh law is not Canadian law, if they want sikh law, stay the fuck where sikh law is the law.

I am sorry for confusing your country with the U.S.A.. It was a country founded my criminals, as you probably know.

I do not know, though, why would Sikhs have anything to do with Canadian law.

You said 'Not to mention the Native peoples', then you actually mentioned them, so I got confused.

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