What is life worth for you ?

in #life7 years ago

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Have you ever wondered if your life is worth living? Or what's the purpose of your life in this kind of world we live in?
The fact that we exist at this very moment, God has a plan for each one of us. When our mother gave us birth, God has set us a unique path for us to begin our own journey in life. From millions of sperms whose struggling to survive, We should know that we are the strongest among all of them, because we're able to live life. We should always be thankful because everyday God has given us the chance to live our lives. But nowadays, there are still people who fails to see the significance of life they have. There are people who easily ends their own life because of the problems that they're facing. These people have lost their faith and failed to follow the path that God has set for them.

Why some people decide to end life?

The worst case of improper handling of problems will cause someone to commit suicide. Nowadays, there a re some people who finds it easy to just end their lives when they can't find any significance to for them to continue living. When they find that life has brought them nothing but full of problems and disappointments. When they experience a lot of struggles and they feel that no one could ever help them, or they can't find any solution to their problem. When their partner decided to end their relationship, some ends their life because they can't find any reason to live without the person who used to be their other half. That's the sad thing about being too dependent to someone, you don't learn to stand and live on your own. That's why they find it difficult to face their life alone.

Situations that leads someone to end their own life:


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Have you ever felt like being sad or blue? Well, Everyone occasionally feels that, but these are short-lived and pass within a couple of days. When someone has depression, it hinders with daily life and causes pain for both you and those who cares about you. You may wonder why you suddenly felt sad and upset without any particular reasons, It's one of the symptoms of depression. You'll feel a complete emptiness and hopelessness. When it continuous for several days, you have to notice it yourself and take an action to it. You talk about it with a friend or someone whom you are comfortable with. Depression is very common in today's generation, but its a serious illness. If you know someone whose experiencing this kind of problem, try to talk and communicate with him/her. If you wanted to help someone, try to share and exchange thoughts with that person. You'll never know when you can save someone's life and change their perspective towards life.


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Anxiety is the most quietly painful experience. You find yourself alone and suffer for an unknown reason. It makes no sense. It is an unpleasant feeling about inevitable future circumstances. I t has similar idea with depression, but there's a difference between them. Depression is like just a feeling of guilt without doing anything that would cause you that feeling. Depression is when you have loss of interest in everything around that matters and you'll feel like you have nothing to do with it. Anxiety, on the other hand would cause you to feel uneasy or uncomfortable. You can't stop worrying about something or the future circumstances that life may bring. Sometimes leads to sweating and irritability. It will cause you to have unwanted thoughts, and keep on thinking the worst side of any situations, and that will brought you excessive worry.


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Bullying is one of the major problems that society has today, especially to the youths. It is the way of abusing one's weakness and lack of self esteem to prevail their strengths and capabilities as a human being. Many people, especially those who are at young ages are facing this kind of crisis, many of them decides end up their own lives just to be free from bullying. They find themselves unworthy and hopeless because of the people who keeps on beating them down. I always wonder why there are people like that? Why do they keep on attacking those people who has nothing to do with them? Why don't they just focus on themselves and mind their own business? Does bullying makes them high enough to have the right of taking down other people?

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Bullying leads nothing but a total disgust into society. Instead of helping others to bring the best out in them, it just happened to cause the loss of morality and dignity they have as a human. Remember that each one of us has a unique identity and capability. As a matter of fact there are some famous personalities who claimed that they were bullied in school, including Emma Watson, Megan Fox, Milla Kunis, Sandra Bullock, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. I can't imagine how these beautiful and amazing people were bullied from the past because of their great achievements today. These people only proves that anyone can become as much as what they wanted in life. The thing there is to NOT STOP believing that you can, no matter how many people will try to bring you down, you must fight for what is right and defend yourself. It's always part of the process to success.

Drug Abuse and Violence

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Drug Abuse is the most common problem in the society today. Many people including youths were engaged in this kind of dilemma. They have their own purpose of doing that, but we all know that it's really a bad thing to do. But why does people still continue using drugs? Some would say it makes them relaxed and feels like they don't have problems in life, it makes them high. Some would say they made it for money. And some would say that its hard to stop once you started taking it. People who were in this situation sometimes tend to hurt themselves, and sometimes might hurt others as well.
There are many incidents happening in our society where Drugs are involved. Its the root of crimes. You can read in some news articles that everyday there's always victims who were murdered, raped, sexually abused, kidnapped, tortured, salvaged, snatched and any other forms of criminal cases. Most of them who attack people were involved on using drugs. This issue on drugs should really be focused these days because its the most common cause of problems in the society.

These are just some of the common factors of why people tend to end their lives. There are more things that can be considered, others might have their own reasons. But we should know that no matter how hard life may come, suicide or killing yourself or other people would not be a big help or a convenient solution to solve our problem. We should value our life, our existence. We should be thankful for each day that God has given to us. God will not give us situations that we can't deal with. He gives it to us because he know that we can handle it and survive. It brings wisdom and lessons. Lessons that were not taught in school, but gained with experience and persistence. I know two things that can help you overcome difficult points in life, these are: Faith and Spirit of Gratitude.
Sometimes God gives us more struggles not because He hates us, but because He wants us to be more close to Him. He wants us to be in a good way.. We should love Him as much as He loves us. We should be grateful to him with all the joy and pain. We should call him everyday, take time for Him, not just in times of success but also in times of our failure. When you feel like there's no one left behind, He's always right there, inside your heart, just waiting for you to open up to Him.

“... Encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.”
-1 Thessalonians 2:12 (NIV)

Also, be reminded that our we still have our Family. A Family may not always be perfect, but try to be open to one another. Share your thoughts, your problems, your fears, talk to them, tell them how bad your day is, tell them what makes your comfortable. It seems awkward but once you'll get used to it, you'll feel better. It always feels better to have some to talk with about your life. Someone who really listens. Your friends or loved ones, someone who cares to listen. Don't mind if they won't understand you, no one will ever understand your point of view. It's important to let it go, don't just keep, it might bring damage to your heart, your mind and even in your soul. Be mindful enough to manage the struggles in life. Put in mind that you can do it and you can survive, because you know what your life's worth, Its worth living.
If you know someone who's into this kind of problems/situations, Do what you can do to help him/her. Be that someone who'll care to listen even if you don'n understand them. Make them realize what is this life worth for them. You'll never know when you just saved someone else's life.

3 For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. 4 They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you.
-1 Peter 4:3-4(NIV)

That would be all for now, Thank you for taking the time to read this. :)

How about you? Have some thoughts? I should ask this, What's life worth for you?
Your can drop it in the comment box below :) I would love to share some insights with you.. :)




Problems are inevitable in this lifetime, but i still find my life worth living! I have suffered from extreme loneliness, almost at the borderline of depression, but i eventually got out of it. I started to count my blessings and since then my perceptions changed. I became happier. With gratitude, miracles can happen.

Nice article! Keep up the good work!

good to hear that @chinitacharmer :) Thanks for dropping by ..God bless you :)

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