How to use the images in your mind to create an amazing life

in #life6 years ago

How to use the images in your mind to create an amazing life!

The images you use in your mind are the messages that you are sub-communicating to yourself, your body and to others all the time.

Sub-communication means your subtle body language and the vibrational mental pictures which everyone and everything can pick up on, on some level. (Nothing is truly hidden). These images that you sub-communicate to yourself and to others accounts for more influence than your words.

Most people’s minds are full of images that do not serve them, make them sick and can easily harm others around them if the others around them are in a venerable state.

If you want to master your own health, wellbeing and communication, you have to learn to master the images you use in your mind.


Investigate - what images do you regular use in your mind? What images do you spend a lot of time focusing on? What images make you feel sick or weak, and what images make you feel vibrant and clear?

Bring in more images of vitality, peacefulness, illumination and contentment into your mental space.

Use your internal vision to picture everyone around you, and yourself happy, content and joyful. The more you do this the more it will come true, and the people around you will naturally become more and more of that because you are energising that part of them.

In other words, practice seeing yourself and others in their highest, enlightened state.

This will bring great love, great friendships and great opportunity into your daily experience.

We call this “bringing in the highest version of ourselves and others”.


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Michael Hetherington
BHlthSci, Chinese medicine & yoga
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