How to clear headaches... The other night, an intense headache visited me...

in #life6 years ago

The other night, an intense headache visited me.
It traveled up the left side of my head and made itself a home behind my left eye.


I drank water, it did not go.
I stretched my shoulder out, it did not go.
I ignored it, it did not go.
I took a paracetamol, it did not go.
I gave up on it and went to bed.
It remained with me all night long.

I woke with it the next morning at about 60% of its original power. I still coudn't focus on anything or think clearly.. I knew that I had to work out what was going on or I would be wiped out for the rest of the day.

I realised it probably had to do with stagnation (too much computer time and not enough outdoors and movement time) leading to muscle stiffness and energy flow blockage in my left shoulder...

Do you know what clears bodily stagnation and muscle stiffness the fastest and most effectively?

Mild to moderate exercise & quality movement.

So, I drove myself to the local university and ran around the running track (well, more like jogged slowly) for 30 minutes. It was now at 40% power..

It was working.


I did 20 minutes of Tai Chi and Qi Gong under a tree. It was now at 10% power.

I then attended a 1 hour yoga class and by he end of the class, it was completely gone.

Not only had I cleared the headache, I now felt amazing and alive from all the kick-ass exercise.

Moral of the story

Most illnesses and 99% of muscle related pain that builds up over time, is due to body stagnation - in other words, not enough physical movement. (And, sitting in more comfortable chairs does not fix this!)

Treatment approach

When you sense a headache coming on (side of the head, in particular), it's a sign to go outside for a walk or attend a yoga class. In this way, you will clear the stagnation before it builds and avoid a majority of musculoskeletal related physical pain and stiffness.

If you don't clear the stagnation, which is the root of the problem, it will continue to compound itself, and remain easily triggered. This compounding effect will give rise to regular headaches and chronic stiff shoulders and neck.

Painkillers can help but they will only mask it for a short time and massage will likely ease it off for a day or two, but the stagnation will remain.

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to clearing stagnation - the easiest and fastest (and cheapest) way to clear it is through regular exercise and quality movement...

It's not rocket science.

Qi Gong, Tai Chi, yoga, martial arts, swimming, walking, jogging to name a few. Sex can also help ;)


Try it and see for yourself....


In a future post, I will talk more about the different headaches and how to approach each one. In Chinese medicine, there are at least 5 different kinds of headaches and therefore, 5 different causes and 5 different treatment approaches.

If you're interested to find out more - stay tuned.


If you have any questions or comments, please post them below! :)

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Michael Hetherington
BHlthSci, Chinese medicine & yoga
Author & Teacher

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Moving blood through the body works WONDERS for headache. If you're not feeling quite up to lacing on your running shoes, orgasm will do it nicely as well. :) Enjoy. :)

Great post! As you mentioned in the beginning, I always thought that I try everything to get rid of it, but I never would've thought that exercise is the way to go! It's important to do some sports and move around, especially when you're staring into a screen all day long. Next time when I got a headache I'll definitely work out right away :) Thanks for sharing!

Great post. I have to admit, when mine get that bad, running or heavy movement causes me to endup on my back or my face in the toilet 😓 If I am good and do yoga every few days it helps. I no longer use drugs to treat even a mild headache. I had suffered with severe migraines for years. They were so bad, I couldn't tell a beginning or end it was constant. I decided to try dual daith piercings. It has been 1 1/2 yrs since I have gotten this done. I have had 3 migraines. Other than than that I try to keep up on mild yoga stretches a couple of times a week. Some weeks I admit, sleep is feels more important. When I do this the tension builds back up in my neck and shoulders. So the body is a great reminder of taking care of ourselves.

I agree, excercise can help but only at the early stages. Once you have a full blown migraine it can be hard to even stand up. But yes it does help to tackle it before it gets to intense. Painkillers like paracetamol have come under scrutiny lately with a recent study suggesting they affect the body's glutathione levels which can lead to immune system impairment. For that reason I try and avoid them. Here's the study in case you wre interested

Good post. I cannot agree more! I have been a Karate practitioner for some time, most say... aches and pain usually ease by stepping on the Dojo.
Thank You for sharing.

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