2019 Natural Medicine IntentionssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago


So with 2018 behind me, I've been doing a little looking back. While it was without question a turbulent year, filled with a stupefying number of trials and a few frankly cyclopean victories, in the end it was a -very- good year.

Lol, it's hilarious to say that about a year that included prolonged starvation, flight from abusers, near-death from nerve toxins, a debilitating back injury, unemployment and effective homelessness. But it has, and why?

Because in the process of surviving those trials, I cast off so many of my fetters, some of them lifelong, and learned SO MUCH about myself, my world, my life and a few others. I have discovered utterly priceless treasures, secrets of a magnitude that can't really be explained using language; we're talking shit that could get you lynched in some places... best of all... It's still happening. <3

And you better bet that Steem was a BIG part of this process. The communities I've found here are a source of pretty much everything I described above, and writing here has done wonders for me on every level...

So what do I intend for 2019? Well... lots. One of the things I'm currently undertaking is buying my first home.. and a motorhome at that. @trucklife-family bears a fair weight of responsibility for putting that idea in my head. I'm also planning on cultivating/experimenting with indigenous plants as a food source, further reducing my reliance and contribution to convenient culture. I may never make it to 100% self-reliance, but I'm damned well gonna make the attempt.

In particular, I want to attempt some home sprouting, and make use of Blessed Amaranth, also known as Indian Wheat, because it's just that versatile... if my Granny Luci says there's something to it, I gotta give it a try.

And that's only the beginning...

I have no idea how 2019 is going to turn out. I know there will be many challenges, as that's just part of Life on Earth. But challenges can be a hell of a lot of fun, if you approach them properly. I'm so grateful for all the blessings which I've received and looking to make the most of them.

Love to the Loving,

Silas Danois


I also have lots of that pictured amaranth in my garden! I would love to use it too! Never knew it was useful!!! Thanks for that picture!!!!

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OOOOH, what kind of vehicle? I have a bit of experience in that area too - well... a lot - but can't beat Truckie!!! Happy New Year. The new year sounds amazing for you! Yep, challenges abound - that's our wonderful life AS IT IS. xx

ohhh, the Amaranth looks familiar to me. I will have to check if it's not one of the plants that naturally appear in my backyard. What I like about those medicinal "weeds" is that they are naturally tough and well adapted to the area.

Just checked and it actually is one of the plants (or a sub-species) that naturally grow in our backyard. In Vietnam we eat it in a soup with dried prawns/shrimps.

Yes! It grows everywhere it's one of the toughest, most diverse, most nourishing plants in existence. A true gift of Mama Evie! And free for the taking. 😍

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I love your attitude! That last paragraph is so huge, and I hope more people will be able to embrace that. With an attitude like that, there's almost nothing that can make your life bad.

A motorhome nice!! Where are you based?
That amaranth is something, isn't it? Contains nitrates, becoming nitric oxide in preventing hypertension and heart disease.
I've just written about it but of a fruit rich in nitrates.

Sounds like a whirlwind of a year that you've had.
I can't wait to learn more about what you know on natural medicine. I've learned that most of what we need is around us. No matter what we need, nature tends to have an answer.

I found you because @porters featured you in the Pay it Forward Curation contest. Keep up the great work!

yeah a motorhome, I am feeling very honoured to have inspired you. 2019 is certainly looking like a year of abundance for you xxx

Congratulations on taking what life through your way, and coming out the other side an improved you :) That's the sign of good character! I hope 2019 blesses you with health, peace and happiness.

I found your post because @porters featured you in a Pay it Forward Curation Contest entry; feel free to join us with an entry of your own any week :)

I'm so glad you found your way, in life, and to us; I'm super glad to have made your acquaintance. Keep doing you my friend, so we may all benefit from your journey 😊

Wow! That is a lot of tremendous trials! What resilience you have shown to come through all that unscathed and with such a wonderful attitude!
All the Best in 2019!

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