
You think so? I don't think it was bold. People haven't forgotten that I do better work than this. It was quiet here today so I don't feel like I sacrificed gaining new followers or anything like that with one post. And don't worry, you can call that crap. That's what it is. I'm not taking it seriously. I probably would have wowed people if I threw in a new image that's more like something I'd usually show and say, "Now imagine how long this one took to make and how much thought goes into that," but I didn't feel like showing off. Man, some people just don't get it. They see the finished product, it took them 2 seconds to look, maybe some humorous writing that goes over their heads and they'll jump to the stupidest conclusion and act like this kind of stuff is a waste of space. Fuck that. We're not all hear to learn and act like politicians.

Yeah, it was crap but that was intentional anyway.
And it adds weight to what you're trying to say - that just because someone finds the artwork crappy and the post meaningless, it doesn't mean it actually is.

Everyone has different tastes, this could be someone's taste out there.

What's funny is people who use a whole post to say there's low quality content being posted themselves don't do a great job of posting otherwise.

The "serious" stuff that's mostly in the Trending section gets boring pretty quick; we need stuff like this to shake things up and bring back the spark of reading a blog post written by another fellow human.

Who gives a crap what the value of BTC could be. We'll see when it gets there. Till then, let's have some fun and celebrate the fact that it hasn't hit 0. What are you gonna predict then, huh? lol

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