How to blow your socks off with Rub & YawnsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago (edited)



Rub & Yawn is a simple procedure which releases stress. Most people can learn it very easily. It is made up of three parts:

  • vigorous rubbing of the body, and
  • visualization in various specified ways of one's hot (unpleasant or stressful) topic, resulting in
  • yawns or other clearly visible physical discharges and a greater or lesser feeling of relief.

Exactly how it works is open to question. However, not knowing exactly how gravity works doesn't prevent your iPhone from hitting the ground if it slips out of your fingers.

How it seems to work is covered below on this page. In reality, this may not be completely accurate. What matters is whether or not it does work, not whether or not the theory satisfies some authority somewhere.
It seems to work for most people.



Life can trigger stuff

Putting one's attention on unpleasant events or situations or relationships in one's life tends to activate the harmful energy associated with the unpleasant topic. This can lead to a feeling of stress. It may even cause unwanted sensations or pains or other physical effects.

Stress management

Stress Management activities work by directing one's attention off the unpleasant topic and on to something else more acceptable. Whether it is getting stuck into some gardening or going to the movies or getting drunk the principle is the same. Usually the unpleasant topic is still around to bite you the next time.

Stress release

Rub & Yawn is a Stress Release activity. The second part, the guided visualization, does not involve lying back feeling overwhelmed by it all. Instead you should find you can get on top of the unpleasant topic, bit by bit, at a pace that is comfortable, which you choose as you go along. You have to work at it, of course. It doesn't simply happen while you are asleep or drinking a beer while on the couch watching TV.

Actively recreating willingly the aspect of your topic that your attention is on — not meekly viewing it while feeling crushed by it — tends to release from your mind and body the harmful energy associated with it. This is the third part of Rub & Yawn. This release will often be accompanied by visible bodily discharges such as yawns or sighs, maybe tears or sobs, muscle twitches and more.

Energy surplus needed before you can release any

However, to release this bad energy, one must have an overall surplus of energy available. If the body is short of energy, it will try to hold on to all of it, both good energy and harmful energy. Energy is energy.

Rub ... and yawn

Rubbing the body seems to energise it, to give it more energy. This is the first part of Rub & Yawn. So you rub away furiously, rubbing your hands together, rubbing your arms and legs, chest and back, rubbing your stockinged feet on the carpet, stamping your feet on the floor, squeezing your chair hard, thumping your fist on the table, in order to create this energy surplus. This might take a minute or so, or might take as long as half an hour.

With an energy surplus, and you willingly and actively visualizing the most prominent part of your hot topic, the yawns or other physical discharges should start and the harmful energy, the stress, should bleed off. Like magic.

This is Rub & Yawn.

There are more details to become familiar with, exactly how to do this and that, but that is an overview of it.

Text adapted from my Rub & Yawn site



Feel free to ask questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

Free sessions

To get free online fully-personalized stress-release sessions 24/7, see the links below.


I am not a licensed practitioner in your area, and no longer give personal sessions. My works, designed for normal people and not clinical cases or the dysfunctional, treat you as a spiritual being and not mere flesh and blood. Use my free websites and videos at your own risk.

Index of my main Steemit blog posts

Table gives post number, title/link, brief notes about content.

Links to some of my stress-release sites

Yawnguy YouTube videos: Entry level. Since 2007, I deliver sessions directly to you by video on your custom topics. Start with Rub & Yawn 1/3. Entry level. Mobile-friendly. Text-based Rub & Yawn sessions. Entry level (more or less). Mobile-friendly. More options to address your own topics. Sessions use three different Rub & Yawn techniques (Reach & Withdraw, 6-Direction, Rogerian). Includes theory and explanations. Entry-level. Mobile friendly. Theory/explanations only, no session delivery. Advanced level. Desktop site. Delivers sessions on your custom topics. 3375 session pages in 31 onsite modules, using over 16 different techniques, none of them simply “talking about it”. Includes all relevant theory. Advanced level. Mobile-friendly. Experimental. PaulsRobot functionality but through icons instead of words. Includes automated session record. Video intro. Entry level. Desktop site. Links to my other sites. Over 100 testimonials. Includes roll-your-own audio session templates.

Facebook: My FB account, not used much.

Twitter: I have @yawnguy, @paulsrobot, @rubandyawn accounts, now coming out of hibernation since 2009.

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