My Short Story

in #life7 days ago

In a small town, Ali would wake up early every morning and follow a path that disappeared into the depths of the forest. At the end of this path, there was a lake that no one dared to visit. According to rumors, the lake was magical and granted the wishes of anyone who looked into its waters.

One morning, Ali gathered his courage and decided to go to the lake. The journey was tough, but he finally reached the lake. The surface of the lake sparkled with the morning sun's rays. Ali closed his eyes and made a wish: "I wish my mother would get better."

When Ali opened his eyes, he noticed a disturbance on the lake's surface. Tiny ripples formed, and suddenly, a glowing fish appeared in the middle of the lake. The fish swam towards Ali, paused for a moment, and then disappeared into the depths of the lake.

The next morning, Ali heard his mother's voice: "Ali! Come for breakfast!" His mother, who had been bedridden for a long time, was now in the kitchen waiting for him. Ali realized that his wish had come true and silently thanked the lake once more.

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