Little Things That Count

in #life7 years ago

We all want a good and crime free society,we want everything around us to be rosy and smooth, to crown it all up we just want a good life and that is we work all through the day and have sleepless nights as well.

We fail to realize that the bedrock of every society is the family.

The family is the smallest unit of life. A family is where everyone originated from.

The success or failure of a society, community starts with the family.

So many people spend a lot of time building things that are not really relevant and they forget to buil the relant one which is their home.


Some people have forgotten that after all that have gotten and all that they might have achieved, they still need to look to their family at the long run.

I have heard stories of fathers who abandon kids and wives in pursuit of wealth, they have forgotten that their will come a time of old age and that is the time they need their family to surround them but they will not get it because they have abandoned their families during the periods of their youths.

###Raising good Kids.

I am aware of the fact that it is not an easy responsibility to raise kids especially in this 21st century where you have almost everything contradictory to what you have taught your kids.
But, you have the responsibility to train them because you demanded for them.

You have to correct them in the little way that you can because kids of today are the ones who will rule over the society tomorrow.

Correct them whenever they go wrong, do not let anything slide always talk to them when you feel they need talking.

Give them responsibilities and ensure that they carry them out.

Teach them the act of giving, ensure that they practice it.

Teach them the benefits of love as it helps us to grow, and ensure that they practice it as well.


This way, the kids will grow up to become better people and the society in turn will be a better place for us all to live in.

Sieze every little opportunity to make your life count.

Always have happy moments and do not let them out of your memories forever.

Sometimes, the little things you do for others occupy great places in their hearts.

Always be thankful for the little things you have and greater things will come.


Fight for the little things, you never can tell how great they might become tomorrow.

You never can tell how many lives you have saved by a single act of kindness.

Thanks for taking out time to read.


love this article mate. Your spot on with family my experiences friends and partners are only in your life for a season or a reason. It is family alone that you are born with, it is family who you will always walk your path with and it is family who will also be there to bury you.

Guard yourselves and your family from the fires of hell!!!

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