The Secret of Simplicity

in #life7 years ago

"Life is not complicated, it needs a genius mind to understand its simplicity."

It's been years since found me in love with simplicity, so I'm attracted to a any simple thing without accessories and without appearances ,and attract me the simple soul that is far from the absurdity
and tempted me the simple thought that took the understanding and the clarity its badge
And I became more convinced that simplicity is the highest level of maturity where is the degree of concentration increases.

Simplicity is the highest levels of genius, where Einstein says: "If you are not able to explain your idea to a small child, it means you have not understood it yet."
So we find the most brilliant ideas that have been explained by simple examples and a language understandable to all
Simplicity is the highest levels of wisdom, where we find wisdom has reached high levels of awareness so it is reduced by simple and clear words
This is the opposite of complex ideas that need a large number of expressions and words to understand or explain its.

Even specialists in decoration and art are becoming more dependent on simple geometric shapes and uniform colors. because beauty captures in the first look and creativity understands in the first reading...

image by pixabay

I'm sorry for some spelling mistakes. I'm trying to convey the idea to you in a beautiful way.

I hope you support me....


I think that's very wise. In modern times far too many things are over-complicated. I find myself enjoying the simple things in life before. I appreciate what is simple more than more complex things.

Yes... Scientifically. The human mind is attracted to simple things.
Thank you for the comment. @marxrab

As I was reading your post, I thought about the computer, whose machine language is only 0 and 1. Nothing can be simpler, yet it can be so powerful all based on that simplicity!

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