Wanna Get Rich? Get On Your Bike.

in #life6 years ago

World Bicycle Day.jpg

Today is the first International World Bicycle Day

On 12th April this year, UN General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring 3rd June as International World Bicycle Day. This Declaration encourages its 193 member countries to include the bicycle in international, regional, national and subnational development policies and programmes.

World Cycling Association (WCA) & European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) Secretary General Dr. Bernhard Ensink rightly states, “This UN declaration is an acknowledgment of the contribution of cycling to the sustainable development goals (SDGs).”

There is no doubt that bicycles are the most sustainable mode of transport available today. However, the world is moving away from this transport mode to something they think or feel is better than biking.

Cycles are being promoted as indoor equipment to health conscious people. Cycle is the only equipment in gyms that I find has got enormous functional value outside its four walls. But unfortunately, cycles are being deprecated just for exercise purpose.

There are tons of health benefits that we can derive from cycling:

  • It helps in controlling obesity by keeping your body-weight optimized.
  • It reduces risk of stroke, high blood pressure and heart attack by strengthening your heart muscles, lowering resting pulse and reducing blood fat levels.
  • Regular cycling reduces the risk of colon, bowel and breast cancer
  • It improves strength, balance and coordination which may also help to prevent falls and fractures.
  • Regular cycling helps reducing depression, stress and anxiety.
  • It helps sedentary insomniacs to get deep, regenerative sleep faster.
  • Improves bowel movement with softer, easy to pass stools.
  • It improves brain activity and help in preventing Alzheimer’s.
  • It boosts your immune system and beats illness.
  • Cyclists look younger, have a lower biological age and they live longer.
  • Cyclists breathe in less polluted air than people riding in cars. This may appear contradictory to our perception but research has proven it. Probably, cyclists breathe in fewer fumes because we ride at the edge of the road and, unlike drivers, aren’t directly in the line of exhaust smoke.

But apart from health, there are tons of other benefits of using a bike to commute regularly:

  • Bikes are earth friendly.
  • They don’t pollute our environment with poisonous smokes.
  • Takes 20 times less space to park compared to a car, saving the precious real estate.
  • Takes less than 5% of raw material and energy used to make a car.
  • Cycles travel 3 times faster than walking for the same energy you put while walking. Thus cycles are 3 times more efficient than walking.
  • Energy used in mobility through cycling is comparatively lower than consumed in moving a car. On an average, a cycle is 6 times lighter than the rider’s body weight while a car is 20 times heavier than a rider’s body weight.
  • If more of us use cycles instead of cars, we won’t need to create a lot of infrastructure in laying, widening and repairing of roads everywhere. The amount of earth saved from roads will help in recharging of ground water during rains, more area for forestation etc.

But did you know cycles can make you richer?

Well, if you consider all the above points, cycling is obviously a profitable proposition from all perspectives. If you keep yourself healthy, you can save a hell lot of money which is often spent on our health and medicines.

You will also save on your exercising or gym time by doing something productive. Cycling also exposes you to Sun and help you fulfil your body’s need of Vitamin D whereas gyms and exercises are mostly done indoors. So yeah, no need to supplement it.

And this is a no-brainer that bikes are far cheaper to purchase than a car. Even, you will save on parking, insurance and maintenance. If you are bothered about your commuting speed, the data from most cities reveal that a cyclist reaches his / her destination in lesser time than a motorist.

Cycling also improve your productivity and efficiency, which in turn will save you a lot of time and also make your boss happy a.k.a a raise or a higher bonus.

Researcher Jay Zagorsky, from Ohio State University, analysed data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and concluded that a one unit increase in body mass index (BMI) score corresponded to an £800 or eight percent reduction in wealth. So, losing some weight for the obese may result in unexpected riches through regular cycling.

Aside personal riches, cycling also contributes positively to our immediate environment, the planet Earth, community relationships and promotes sustainable mobility in our cities. Above all, you will get addicted to the cool breeze blowing on your face 😊. All these will help you evolve as a happier and better you.

So yeah, riding is the way to make your day, what say?

If you want to join in the fun, comment with, “I like to bike.”


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I like to bike.

this is true.. cycling is healthy. cycling is green. and cycling doesn't contribute to traffic congestion.

Just wondering if running is superior to cycling ... and cheaper ;)

Running (esp. bare-foot running) is cheaper in a sense that it doesn't involve any equipment cost and you can run whenever and wherever you want to. But if you want to commute to any place, cycling is many times more energy efficient. You can negotiate the equivalent distance by spending a fraction of the energy spent in running. 😊

I just bought me a bike for the city and really love to ride around. I wasn't that active (sports wise) the last years but now since I realized you are even faster by bike than with public transportation and wanna be more active I ride by bike everywhere I go (if the weather is fine).

Keep it up! You know the way to live and commute.

I have lived in mostly very hot places where you will probably die biking to office or even if you can somehow get there alive, you will have to take a shower and will need a change of clothes.

Hmm, where do you live? If not work, bike after the work. I dunno, how hot is your place. But with practice, cyclist easily get on harsh weather conditions too. It may not be applicable to all ...but I love your spirit. At least, you intend to bike when it's not hot.

It get to 116 °f in summers.

Oh, that's damn hot! We too get around 122o max in summers here. But mornings & evenings are comparatively pleasant and don't deter bikers to get to peddling.

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well, there's no direct correlation for people who bike that says their incomes would increase. Now, the most probable reason why people who bike tend to have higher income is due to the motivation to keep fit which indirectly allows them to be healthier. You could apply the same theory to people who run, people who swim, or people who do martial arts.

Yes, you can keep yourself fit by other methods as well. But biking is the best low impact exercise after swimming. And biking has other advantages too. It takes you places 😊

That good friend. I really did not know that today was the World Bicycle Day, today I will take my daughters to ride a bicycle, here in Venezuela it is only 1:52 pm and the weather is 32c at 5 pm I take them. Greetings from Venezuela

In my city too the minimum day temperature is 32o C around this time of the year. It's too hot but I'm sure your daughter would love it. And do not forget to tell her about some of the reasons for why we need to bike.

Have an awesome time biking together!

My oldest daughter is 10 years old called Victoria Valentina @victorialanz also makes publications when I give her permission, and is always done with her clacesde your school, or some contest, just read your publication call her so she also knows what is being celebrated today . My other daughter Sofia Isabella is only 7 years old and I already told her, by the way, they are very happy because I will take them to ride a bicycle.

Have a new follower from Venezuela. A country that struggles to be free.

Awww, you're so sweet and caring of your daughters. I hope they had a great time biking.

Thanks a lot for the follow!

It's too hot to ride today :(

Oops! Wait for the weather to get favourable for paddling on. Gradually, you will become a all-weather rider.

LOVE this! You are inspiring people to get out and get moving! Cycling is such a great workout and it can be done anywhere! And I love the spin on getting richer while riding your bike. You are absolutely correct that something as simple as living a healthy lifestyle will bring down the health costs a person may have throughout the year. I have never thought of fitness in the way of finical gain like that but it is a very good point haha

And you're inspiring me with such awesome feedback 😊

You are so sweet! haha

Its a great way to keep in shape and is a great family activity to have fun with while teaching a healthy living lifestyle to youngsters :)

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