Have You Got A Bathroom In Your House?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Most people will find this question awkward as every room in modern homes has got an attached bathroom. So why am I asking such a question?

For couple of days, I am noticing my father spending time under the Sun on the roof top in late afternoon. So today I asked why he is doing this. He told me that he wants to get some Sun exposure for gaining some Vitamin D. So I told him about the right time to do Sun bath.

But why do we need a Sunbath?

Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D, the only vitamin that the human body can make. Fortunately, my country, India, has got ample Sunlight in almost all of its geography. In earlier times, when most of India used to work in fields, deficiency of Vitamin D was not known.

Today most urban people have chosen a sedentary lifestyle. They live in an airconditioned house, work in an airconditioned office and travel in an airconditioned car. Even if they have to go out in Sun, they will wear Sunscreen creams & lotions on their skin and will completely cover their body with clothing. So they don’t get any Sun exposure.

Despite ample availability of Sunlight here, our lifestyle has made us deficient in Vitamin D. Today, vitamin D deficiency has acquired epidemic proportion in the country.

Vitamin D is vital for overall health of our bones and teeth as it helps in absorbing Calcium from our diet. Over 90% of vitamin D in our body is synthesized through solar UVB irradiation of the skin. Most people can make enough Vitamin D by being out in the Sun daily. So it becomes important to get that necessary Sun exposure every day. There is no need to depend on external supplementation for it.

When to take Sunbath?

Many people know the importance of Sunbathing but don’t know the best time to do it. Some people would prefer in the morning (at the time of Surya Namaskar) while others will suggest evening (during Sandhya). Naturopathy clearly states to do it in afternoon hours.

A pan-India study which was published in Osteoporosis International has revealed that the best time to get exposed to the sun is between 11am and 1pm since the wavelength of ultraviolet B (UVB) rays is 290-320nm during this period which is essential for skin to make vitamin D.

General advice is to take the sunbath when your shadow is shorter than your own height. So a time between 10 am & 2 pm should be considered the best time.

How to Sunbathe

The best way to sunbathe is to completely undress yourself and lie naked under the Sun exposing both sides of your body one by one. Do not use any obstruction like sunscreens on your skin while you sunbathe. 20 to 30 minute time is sufficient for a sunbath depending on your skin tone (darker tone needs more exposure than fair skin).

That’s it and your nutritional needs for Vitamin D are met naturally. Is it tough to do?

So do you have a room for bathing at your home?

In Naturopathy, Sunbathing is given more importance than regular water bath we use to take daily these days. Naturopathy emphasizes on Sunbath, mud bath and even air bath over water bath.

We all have many bathrooms in our homes to take that least important water-bath. But I find it difficult to get a Sunbath at home …a place where I can lie down completely undressed under the Sun.

Some years back, when I was suffering from back-pain, I used to go about 7 km from my home to the banks of a large water body, just to lie down there naked under the Sun. It was socially acceptable at that place since there weren’t many visitors in the afternoon hours. Same thing can be done around your Society’s swimming pool area …with your swimming suits on. Swimming suit will also give a good exposure compared to none, when you are completely covered.

Today, I suggest everyone who has got a roof on their house or an open piece of land attached to their house to allocate a certain section of this area for Sunbath by creating a 5-6 feet high cubicle with the help of some curtains. This will make every member of your family to Sunbathe in complete privacy.

  • What do you think about having such a bathroom in your home?
  • Is there a better idea for lying naked under the Sun in congested urban homes?
  • Do you take Sunbath often? If so, where?

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My husband I were talking about this! I would like to take in the natural sun's ray for Vitamin D purposes, but I don't want tan lines or want to wear sunscreen. The best way to do this is definitely sunbathe in the nude. But we live on the 1st floor in a condo unit where our unit is the first one when people drive in. I'm not sure if people want to see my naked butt on the patio, although I'm sure some people would appreciate it.

LOL! How about using the swimming pool area in your condo?

Sun bathing is a terrible idea unless you never get sun. We get enough vitamin D walking from point A to point B or by eating certain animal foods. Unless you're in the artic, or a vegan without access to fortified food products, it's really bad for you. Melanoma (skin cancer) is no joke, excessive exposure to the sun leads to skin cancer which shortens one's life span.
You may as well recommend smoking as a form of relaxation. About 60000 people die each year from skin cancer caused by receiving solar radiation. Wear sunscreen, even if you have a dark complexion, the sun will cause premature aging and you can still get skin cancer.

You may be right but I won't underestimate the need for exposure in Sun. Of course, the exposure level depends on several factors including where you live, the weather and even your age.

Fortified food products are not enough to meet your Vit. D requirement. So if you don't want to get Vitamin D directly from Sun, you should get it from supplements.

Common understanding that you will get enough Vitamin D just by walking from Point A to point B is actually undermining the importance of Vitamin D. India is suffering from vitamin D deficiency in pandemic proportion today. In India, vitamin D deficiency is irrespective of your diet. Here food products are not fortified with vitamin D. And despite of your fears of skin cancer, Sun exposure is the best way to get Vitamin D. But yes, you need a sensible Sun exposure and not Sun burns. If people are sensible and cautious, they won't torture themselves in Sun to get sunburns. So there is no danger of cancer to such people.

Hola amigo @xyzashu, no tengo ese tipo de baño en casa, pero vamos a la playa regularmente, es muy importante la vitamina D para el organismo, la gente por su trabajo tiene poco tiempo de coger sol, abrazos y besos.

यदि आप नियमित रूप से समुद्र तट पर समय बिताते हैं तब आपको सूर्य-स्नान के लिए विशेष स्नान-घर बनाने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है

Sunbath is good
The best idea is to have top placement on the roof the urban homes for direct sunbath
I do not take sun bath no time for that always busy

Hello! I like that you always bring reflective themes, I did not know all that you say, I personally feel that the sun burns me more and more and I totally avoid it lol. but note that I did not know of its vital importance for the organism! I'm from Venezuela, in my house I do not have a place like that to carry sun, but I would really like it if it's private. Due to the situation of the country we could never go out and be somewhere outdoors like that, and naked much less !! Lol but believe me if I would like to have something like that in my house, it would be incredible. Greetings, always sharing great things, this time in addition to my vote you deserve a reesteem, success

Thanks a lot for your appreciation and restem!
If you feel Sun burns you, you shouldn't take a Sunbath to that level. A sensible Sunbath should feel comfortable to your body and as soon as you feel that its burning you, you should move to a shade. Do take a sunbath on a regular basis but do take care to avoid sunburns too.

I always find that I feel better at the end of the day when I spend tome outside in the sun. I live in Vermont in the USA and I haven’t heard of anyone having a specific room or space for sunbathing, but in my neighborhood here are people out in bathing suits on their lawns all the time. I also see people out rumning and walking their dogs, with varying amounts of cloths on, but for longer periods of time which probably offsets being covered more than being naked. I know that in Alaska where the sun is down for a period of time each year, people buy special full spectrum, sun light lamps to put in their house to combat depression through I am guessing Vitamin D production. I guess to answer your questions I have jot thought about having a specific space for sunbathing before but you have got me thinking about it now, for those in urban settings probably pools or rooftops are the best or even having lunch outside or walking to work instead of a cab or train would get some exposure which is better than none, and I don’t specifically sumbathe, but spend as much time as I can oitside as often as possible. Thanks for another great post @xyzashu!

Its good that people are aware and spend time out in Sun in your area. I can understand that there ain't adequate chances for a Sunbath in Northern America during winter months. So a full spectrum lamp is a good alternative, I guess.

I don't have sun bathroom in my house. People think it may look weird.

We try to avoid the sun, because it is really hot in our place. The only time people do sun bathing is in the morning before 10. But they don't lie with naked body. They go to the park and do some exercise or jogging especially on day offs or Sunday. That's how we get our sun lights. It's quite easy because the sun shines all year round.

For me, I work mostly outside. I hope that's enough sun bathe for me.

Yeah, even if you can expose 2-3rd of your body to Sun, it should be enough. But if you are working mostly outside, may be you need some Sunscreen of low SPF as you live in a Sunny place.

Unfortunately I only have a balcony at home where my neighbours can watch me . So it's not a good place to take a naked sunbath. But after work I still try to lay on the balcony to get some sun.

A lot of people buy artificial Vitamin D because they dont get enough sun. And it's take less time to take Vitamin D than getting it by laying in the sun.

Yes, vitamin D supplement seems convenient these days but I advocate about natural and sustainable ways as much as possible. But everyone has different circumstances. Do what you can do the best in your given circumstances..

interesting post, I knew that vitamin D was the only vitamin produced by the human body, but in my case I take sunbaths only when I go to a beach or a pool, the idea of ​​sunbathing in my house had not even taken in mind, thanks for the information. regards

Good to see that you spend some time for sunbathing but vitamin D synthesis should happen on a daily basis in our body.

i dont't take often a sunbath but when i do, i do it on my balkony. Nobody can see in there

That's great. At least you have an option in case you wanted to Sunbathe yourself.

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