The Perfect Size Community

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A long time ago I had heard about a study published, and I don't recall by whom or where just the result, that stated that the perfect size community was around 300 people.
The longer I pondered the concept, the more convinced I have become by this. It said that when the number of people in a given community starts to rise beyond that point the problems increase.
They said that most people can only recall about 300 names with faces at any given time. I would argue that, but I have no real data to prove it one way or another, just my own experiences. Such as, in my youth I collected the G.I.Joe toys by Hasbro. On each carton back there was a file folder with everything a kid needed to know about his soldier. It told the code name, actual name, date of birth, location born, what its specialties were, its philosophical viewpoints were, etc. These cards were the first Facebook of the toy genre.

I'm pretty sure I had most of the cards by the time I was 20. Yes, always a Toys R Us kid at heart. The thing was, in order to have better battles, I had to memorize the cards to know who to bring to the fight. Otherwise I had to go back and sort through them and pick out the right guys for the right job. Yes, my playtime was rich and detailed, but the point was that I couldn't remember all of the details of each of my guys and gals. Eventually I had to go back for a refresher on who was capable of doing what with which gear. I tried to keep things as realistic as possible. They were my best friends when my real life playmates couldn't come over for one reason or another. Years of joy were had with those soldiers. I wanted to be a soldier when I grew up. I was gung ho! Lol, the funny thing about that was that was a character called Gung Ho. I got to pretend I was a different character in everything I played.
I kept forgetting the details though and when my friends would play with me, they would say "That guy can't do that!" "It's make believe." I said. "If you are not gonna play realistically, then we should do something else." They said..
I tried. I realized that I needed to remove some of my characters from my play in order to be able to play properly, so I looked through my cards and pulled the people that did other things besides fighting. It ended up being about fifty people that I regularly called upon to do jobs.
Maybe this study I heard about long ago has some basis in reality. After all we can't all be fighters, lawyers, policemen, firefighters, and paper pushers. We need a variety of people in our daily lives even if we don't meet them all, they all do different things behind the scenes that we don't think about. Especially the people who grow, sell, ship, and store our foods.
I don't know how they came up with the magic number of 300, but the more I think about it the more plausible it becomes. What do you think? Do you think that the perfect community size would be 300, or do you think it should be more or less and why?

As always, thank you for reading along.
Much love, light and respect to you and yours,


Images courtesy of Google images.

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