How do they do it : maple syrup

in #life7 years ago

  Is has always fascinated me on how things are made. Today I will share with you a simple yet effective way on how maple syrup is collected and made. 

First you will need to tap a maple tree. Yes, tap. Just as the word suggests you will need to have a tap that comes out of the tree. 

How to do this .

 Simply drill a hole in the tree at a slight angle so as to allow the sap to come out.

 Pick a spot on the tree that faces the sun, The warmth of the sun will allow the sap to run out more easily. 

Push a spile or take a stick that is thicker then the hole you made in the tree ,drill a hole through it and shave the stick so it can fit the hole in the tree. 

Hang a bucket under the spile.

 Allow the sap to come out. 

Boil the sap and 

walla you have maple syrup.  


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Interesting post:)

good post. follow me @lomidze

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