Having Something tangible is a Great Motivator For Customers

in #life3 years ago

When you ask most salespeople, "Why do they love working with their customers," you will hear a resounding "word of mouth" from them. The tangible object that they have as a result of working with their customers is a thing that they can look at everyday and touch. Whether that be a pen, pencil, or calendar, these are all tangible assets to the person that receives them and gives them a lasting impression of you, your business, and your brand. This is where having something tangible to give away is extremely important. Here are 5 reasons why giving away a tangible product or gift is an excellent sales motivator...

When you give away a tangible object, it gives the customer something tangible to look at and hold onto. It reminds them of who you are and what you do. This in return builds trust and loyalty with the customer and increases the likelihood that they will purchase through you again down the road.

There is one key element to remember when giving away products as a sales motivator. All great salespeople know that the customer wants what they are giving away. You must always put this in the front of the customer's mind, whenever you make the offer. Let the customer know that you are doing everything in your power to keep them from having to purchase from anyone else.

There is an old saying that goes, "The customer is always right." There is a lot of truth to this idea. When the customer feels like they are getting value for their dollar, they will be more likely to purchase from you in the future. This will increase your customer base, which of course will lead to more profits for you down the line.

One thing that many people fail to realize about customer wants is that the customer wants what they can't have. If you presented a customer with an impossible wish, such as being able to buy ten thousand dollars' worth of goods at one time, do you think that the customer would be willing to part with that much money? Probably not. However, if you present a customer with the possibility of purchasing an X amount of dollars worth of goods, and you don't deliver, chances are the customer will keep on shopping with you because she realized that she can have whatever she wants, even if you can't.

As you can see, there is an allure in owning a tangible product. It makes the customer feel like they are a player in the business and that their needs are important. The fact that it is tangible also encourages the customer to be more responsive to your offers because they have something tangible that they can take home and show their friends and family. The tangible element makes the customer want to be more responsive to your offers.

Once the customer knows that you provide them with a tangible item, they will be more likely to come back for more. You must provide a great deal of attention to the detail of your customer's order to make sure that their needs are met. This includes packaging the product well to ensure that it arrives in a timely fashion, ensuring that the package is unopened and undamaged, and making sure that it looks appealing when it arrives. It is important to keep in mind that each customer is different, but generally your packages should be attractive and appealing.

Having something tangible as a motivator for customers is important. There are many reasons that a customer may purchase from you. However, if you don't keep them interested then they won't be there for long. Having something tangible as a great motivator for customers is important for any retailer.

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