Wake Up and Move Like a Champion

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Personal story. I woke up this morning and there's this Resistance to getting out of bed. The doggy was up and was letting me know she is ready to make moves. I had the thoughts of 'oh, im so tired still...maybe i can just roll over for a bit more.' I saw this attitude in me of being a bit of a flop...just rolling over on responsibility...not really standing up and getting my groove on with the morning doggy routines...and all the greatness that comes with embracing a new day full on with gratitude and appreciation. You know, like brewing the best coffee....mmmm the smells, making the favorite smoothie and getting outside for some sweet sweet fresh air and stretching, walking the body here into the day as the blood pumping out our exuberance and vitality. It's a great day to be alive.

It took me a split second to reflect on all this stuff, and the attitude i was going into that I didn't really like and even felt victimized within....so I said, fuck this. I'm going to write it out here...and from here make the decision to create my Champion Routine for the Morning - each and every morning.

Own it. You are it. Whether you decide to move all sloth like or whether you wake up with this grandiose appreciation of yourself here beginning a new day with plenty of new moves and plays to make, we are it. We determine the narrative.

We determine the narrative? Yes. Sure, some thoughts of resistance might come in the way of an easy flow...But it's Easy to Direct - simply take a look at the resistance that comes up and make a move past it. It's your play. Your words are your play book. Be creative!

IMG_20160906_204935.jpgWe are our words so much so....when we like them and when we don't like them. This is where the challenge comes...because when things randomly pop up in our head...we got to be accountable for them...to let them go...to forgive and understand so we can actually learn and improve upon our every moment. This is the Champion mentality. Doing work in a playful way...where there is this persistence and willingness for expanding greatness. The recognition and acknowledgement that we are only ever as great as our next play here...this is our ability to respond. Responsibility.

Remember: if ever you are experiencing yourself as less than stellar when you get up, give yourself the living words....the narrative to support you in making the decision to be your best.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as less than a champion when i wake up in the morning.

I commit myself to moving through any and all resistance i face as I am a Champion.

I realize I get stronger every day Because I am a champion and a Champion pushes through resistance....and resistance is the key to strength training.

I commit myself to sharing my Championship strength training methods and response abilities.

Championship Involvements:

DIP PRO - http://desteniiprocess.com/
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TIPS/ASSISTS - Please and thanks:
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DASH: XoFdhhx1HhpoEcbcfF1jousEh61CHQ3sdm
Litecoin: LTMyaDxHntHKMxccUk4RUbHhEqiHd21ewR

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