in #life6 years ago


Nobody wants inferior products. Nobody wants to do pointless work. We have a global society here today with much redundancy and overall ineffectiveness in regarding for the human or anything else for that matter. Efforts are made here and there - but the system as a whole is designed in a manner of abuse. This abuse is a form of constant stress and strain. It's the very definition of a Burden. It's not producing favorable results - half the human population is malnourished...arguable more because of the state of the water on the planet and thus the levels of contamination in the crops...even the organic crops have shown staggering test results.

Wouldn't it make sense to a have a financial system that was created with regard for the future well being of everyone here?

That seems to be a rather logical common sense perspective and practical approach.

What about products being created that aren't built to fall apart so easily. What about products that are of the best quality?

What about a global food distribution system? Wouldn't that solve a lot of issues in terms of the extreme levels of malnutrition?

When everyone has a great supportive environment - the chances of best development are so much so more insured. The potential for best development and maturity becomes a real thing...which in a way is like an incredible gift for the future generations to come. Seems kind of obvious common sense to invest into the best future development.

Just a few basic points I wanted to jot down here as an outflow after the post I wrote a little bit earlier, Bitcoin, More than a Bubble - Debate and Questions


Let me Know what you think - Creative Collaboration makes the world work in ways that are Best

Decentralized Media Broadcasting is the Future - Sharing Because You Want to

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."






The title of the post is almost poetic :-)
It always leaves me wondering.............the choices I mean. I like to have choices but I like to have genuine choices. I go into a store to buy something and then I find 50 different lines of the same product. There is in illusion of choice because all those 50 lines may appear different but they are the same thing. I usually walk out not because I didn't like any of it but because I can't buy from a place where they think that I'd be stupid enough to buy from them.
Intel produces processors and processors have a long life. Then they collaborate with windows so that their next OS footprint would make the previous hardware obsolete. Just because the processors won't die a natural death quickly enough therefore they are killed by being made obsolete.

ya it's this stupid game of perpetuated bullshit that we make sense of by justifying because we have free choice!



if you think the purpose of money is anything other than to maintain the status quo then it's no wonder you don't understand...

meh, money is a useful tool. instead of trading random crap that I have for what I want, I can give my random crap to Xperson, receive money and give it to Yperson for what I want.

the problem comes when your money is based on nothing and the people the run it can (and do) print money without reservations... without any oversight at all.

it really is handing someone the keys to your country.

well said.

what's the solution?


we need people with integrity to run the system. it can't be a private institution.

what's your definition of the status quo?

Who decides the status quo?

You are thinking very global.. I heard something that made me so sad years ago. If all the packings of the products were just one quality lower than now in the world, there were not any hunger problem...It shows that not the people in the world have malnutrition problem because of lack of sources, but because the world I mean the people are so much greedy and want much more money..

the powerful are not interested in solving the basic problems of people such as access to water and food, they want to control the world's recuersos (mineral oil water) and maintain the status quo and excessive energy consumption I mean the empire of the United States greetings from venezuela the platform steemit communicates us

In our life we need money money and money
without money we could not think a day
your thinks is correct

You do have good points. There's a lot that broken on purpose in our socico-economic systems. But sometimes, I think it might not be the system but us who are responsible for it. At the end nobody has to purchase throw away products and you can always insist on an insurance for a product. Or you manage your money in a communal bank and not at a faceless conglomerate for 0.5% more.

Not all of us have always the choice. But most of us most of the time. The rest is probably just laziness..

I think it might not be the system but us who are responsible for it


At the end of the day it's all about people. Starting from our very corners. In this regard - it makes sense that we have systems that are designed to best support and accommodate people...and when people are adequately supported, all life can be cared for effectively.

True. I always wonder why people look so much at the big picture while they have much more influence in their personal environment. Television and the dominance national politics kind of destroyed a good part of the subsidiarity within society. But caring and repairing are always in the first place local things.

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