#Realities - What we always wanted to tell our parents

in #life6 years ago

I could spend days stuck in a book or psychology class and I would not get tired. You could say that I am one of those few people who know how to bring fascination and curiosity to that creative mechanism we have and turn it into a soundless bubble in which nobody touches me, speaks or even breathes near me. I admit, I am the kind of person who looks for the "Why" to everything and creates that kind of hypothesis with experiences and experiences, their own or even other people's until they are satisfied and look for other answers.

In today's class we were talking about the drugs and the horribly disastrous effects they bring to the human mind; We are used to that, talks about drugs, early pregnancy and about Bullying, however they never touch the most common points of them.


Mainly Bullying, everything is "Do not do what you would not like to be done". The saddest thing is that it applies to children without mentioning adults; The infidelities, betrayal, fights, divorces are also a type of Bullying and although they are more common, they do not care. It is not just that a child makes fun of someone else at school. And if they treat him like that at home? We never hear "If he hits you, he cries" rather, always "If he hits you, hit him harder" and if it were the opposite, self-defense classes would not exist. Fights between parents and divorces are also a type of Bullying, both for the child and for the parents themselves; In the end it is humiliation between two or more people. What does the child learn? Let's start treating things as what they really are, you have to leave that striped record that we have been repeating year after year and I assure you as a daughter, student, teenager and person of the world; They are doing it wrong.

The precocious pregnancy, sincerely comes being a very stupid subject Why? Everyone is responsible for their actions, it is true. But it also depends on the maturity and confidence that come from the upbringing and I know many people who -By very hypocritical it sounds- They tell us to take precautions when having sex, but they have 7 children and they started having them when they were 16 years old. Maybe they say it so we do not make the same mistake but do they make it understood to their children? Or are they just giving you a bad example? They can not come with the excuse that no one at that time warned them, because sex is not something of the twenty-first century, everyone knows from the origins of humanity how to make babies. Gentlemen think, the children see their parents as an example, when making a mistake if they know that you knew how to face it in some way then they would think the same; Sex is not bad! I want to make that very clear, however instead of just telling your children to take care of themselves while they have sex; because they better not talk to them about it, educate yourself in the process, what to do and what not to do, which is the most healthy in relationships, please leave this taboo because everyone from an early age thinks of sex because of the curiosity of know how we were born and what is that experience.
Oh! A very important issue that I do not want to let go, especially because it is a lived experience:

Times change, everything evolves and things can go the other way. Do not deprive your daughter of a healthy courtship by "preventing" any boy beggars embarrass or break your heart, if you deprive her of a courtship, go to parties and other things, believe me, you will regret it. That means that you are earning your daughter's hatred and creating an unwanted rebellion that will cause you to secretly commit exactly the mistakes you want to avoid. If you know that your children are well educated, that they do not lack love and have the necessary values ​​to be who they want to be in life, you should not worry, even in the worst situation they will be prepared to mature and do the right thing . If you doubt it is because you are aware that you were brought up and educated badly or you are not sure of your own judgment.
And drugs talk to us as a kind of redundant material; Marijuana, alcohol, coffee, anything that is swallowed and provides us with a declining mental lapse is considered a drug. But the feelings? The passion? Depression? Obsession? The root of almost all cases of drug use is reduced to those four elements, so to speak. Before they tell us "Do not use drugs" they should ask why we do it, what we want to forget or what emotion we want to stop consuming them.

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