How To Help Yourself By Helping Others In 2018

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I know it doesn't really have much to do with the topic, but I wanted to share our crazy Christmas tree pic from the San Deigo Zoo the other day.

How To Help Yourself By Helping Others In 2018

Again and again in my life it becomes apparent that the most important thing that I could possibly do, or achieve, or strive for these days is good meaningful human connection.

There's nothing more in this world that means more to me than truly connecting with somebody.

Reaching out and sharing something with them that's truly deep and meaningful. And if there's one thing that I can do is to try to add value to other people's lives.

I think just about everybody can connect with that.

I think if there's one thing that everybody want is to be included in some sort of community. To thrive. To know that other people actually care about them.

And that's why I find steam it kind of interesting because, in a sense, Steemit is really doing that far more than most other avenues of the internet are these days.

And if there's one thing that I'd like to share with you it's various ways that I've found to improve my life.

Now I don't claim to be some sort of master at this or anything, but I have been around a little bit here and there.

I learned how to quit drinking and quit some of my addictions, I've learned how to be a bit more confident in some of the things that I do on a daily basis.

I've learned to focus a bit more on the things that are more important to me, and leave behind some of the other things that I can do without. Just this one practice in particular his brought me much further in life than I thought possible.

On a daily basis now I wake up and I think about all the things that I can contribute two other people, to various communities, to the world in general.

And if there's one thing I'd like to do it would be to devote myself to helping other people.

So here's how I plan on doing that, at least to a degree for right now, and if you'd like to follow along with something like this, maybe it'll be some sort of inspiration for you as well. At least that's what I could hope for.

So I'm going to do my best to learn as much as I can about my life and improve myself, and then I'm going to relate that information on to you guys.

By doing so I hope I can offer some value to people and even if I can just help one or two people live a slightly better life then I think my efforts have been worthwhile.

So today's topic is how to help other people, and help yourself at the same time

See, when you help other people, even when you're doing it out of complete devotion to that other person and utter selflessness in the truest aspect of the sense, there is still an aspect of doing it for yourself. That's because when you help other people you are gaining something from it as well.

You're actually gaining several things.

For one, you're gaining happiness. And when you're happy, life just goes better in general.

When you're happy you get more accomplished, you're more productive, you're healthier, you think clear, you're more optimistic, things just seem to start going your way.

Not only that, when you help other people you boost your own self confidence.

That's because when you help other people you actually feel like you have something to offer them - and in reality, you do.

You're a beautiful person, a beautiful human being, and each and every single person in this world can offer something to someone else. The more you realize that, the more comfortable in your own skin you're going to become.

Also, there's no sense in going around everyday moping about all your problems, because the more you do that the more you're going too well on those problems. And the more you dwell on those problems the bigger they're going to get.

I used to do that a lot, and if there’s one thing in this new year that I’m resolving to do, it’s complain less, and do more about the things I want to change in my own life.

I think the best possible thing you can do is to forget about your problems and proactively work on things that are going to improve your life and the lives of those around you.

Everybody has problems but there's really not much of a sense in complaining about it. I know everybody's heard that before, but in reality I think it's far more important than most people give it credit for.

And this isn't just some positive self-talk mumbo jumbo, this is actually doing what you can and being as productive and proactive as possible in your life. The more you reinforce those brain pathways that are telling your brain that you can't do something, the more your brain is going to think that you can't.

And the more you reinforce the pathways that say you can do something, the more your brain is really going to start to recognize it's extremely powerful, That you are a very capable person of doing just about anything that you want to do.

So if there's one thing I'm doing in my life it's to try to help other people right now, and I'm doing that by trying to help myself at the same time and then relating that information to other people.

And I think the more we can all do that and help each other the more we all really gain.

This isn't some competition between all of us. The world is a lot smaller than we think, and in reality we all work together. We're all huddled in this little spaceship earth with one another, and the more we can recognize that the more we contribute to each other's success, the more we're really contributing to our own success as well, and the more we’re all going to get out of life.

So that's why I'd like to begin today in my quest to help others through this platform here on Steemit. that's going to be my main focus of my blog posts here from now on. I’m shooting for at least one a day, on various topics about how to live life to its fullest potential.

And I hope in doing so I can contribute some value to you, and help both you and myself out in the process.

So that's it for now. I've got a lot of other things that I'm going to go over in the near future, it's just a matter of cataloging them and really thinking about what I want to say about all these different subjects. But there's definitely more to come soon, so I hope you stay tuned, and I'll see all you out there.

Happy New Year, have a wonderful 2018!

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