wiser voted for three small minnows who used the wantwiserupvote tag!
From only one a day to three upvotes today, this initiative is starting to gain some traction.
Today again I only have time for a few votes, and except for the upvote on this post, they all are going to small minnows who use the wantwiserupvote tag.
I believe I should be able to put in a more complete day of posting and curating tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.
In related news, the last couple posts have received 65% strength upvotes from @crowdfundedwhale. Yay! That's working so far.
I'm also watching a post I wrote on Friday which received 166 upvotes. Each day, the potential payout is growing as the reward pool is filling up again, however that works. I may repost the part of that article that covered the ethics of whales upvoting the work of other whales in about a month when the payouts have normalized. It's one of those ironies of life that I would write an especially popular article at a unique transition time involving low rewards. This is not a complaint, more like a chuckle. No rules against reposting good content, and I expect to write more great articles on the days when I can devote the time.
Also of note, my reputation is growing. Since I've been back, it's climbed from 50 to 53.
wiser signing off for the weekend. See you all tomorrow :)
So much for timing. I managed to get 5 people over...but right after the hardfork. I am telling them to be patient. So I fully realize those ironies of life!!