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RE: When was the last time you cried?

in #life5 years ago

I'm trying to remember crying for myself. I easily cry for other's situations. It doesn't take much for me to be terribly sad for the world's problems. I even cry when I hear a parent be short with their child and always offer a prayer of help from the universe for the situation. I did cry and threw pillows at a wall about ten years ago out of frustration of constant pain that ended up lasting over ten years. I only cried that once but the frustration became my filter in life and I think I developed an unpleasant edge to my personality. I think I should have cried more...maybe I wouldn't have such a "just get through it and call it a day" attitude and enjoyed my life a little more. That negative energy is still with me even though I have felt good enough these last 5 months and it still colors my world but I do believe it is less now and now that I see it. I will try and keep an eye on myself and change and enjoy my new health by remembering I'm better. I am not who I was but I can be better than who I am now. It's funny that you bring this subject up because I just figured this out about myself three days ago.

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