I narrowly avoided being killed in a car crash yesterday. Has anyone else had any lucky escapes?

in #life7 years ago

There were four of us in the car: me, my girlfriend, my girlfriend's cousin, and her boyfriend, Martin, who was driving. I was sitting behind him on the left. We were turning right at an intersection when a car coming from the left ran a red light. Martin braked immediately but there was nowhere for us to go, and it completely obliterated the front of his car; there was a smashing, crunching noise, and the sickly sweet sound of twisting metal. We came to a shuddering stop. The other vehicle hit us so hard, it spun around, facing the way it came.

Had Martin not reacted as quickly as he did, the 4x4 would've completely T-boned us. I still can't believe my first post here was almost my last, and I still can't believe we all came out relatively unscathed, apart from a couple of bumps and bruises of course.

Anyone else had any narrow escapes?


Thanks man, I'm completely fine. I shudder to think how much worse it could have been. I think it's going to be a while before Martin has to buy his own drinks when he's out!

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