Wild and Free Kids and some parenting philosophy 🤘

in #life6 years ago


Hey Friends! Fearless rock climbing in socks and sandals was on the agenda yesterday! We went for a family nature-walk and ended up on a rocky foreshore. Waves crashed onto the rocks, slippery sharp edges and rock pools were limitless and there was a rock wall begging to be climbed by our little men.


I never wanted to be a ‘helicopter parent’ and I think this photo may be evidence that I’m not?! 😳

I decided early-on that I wanted the boys to think on their feet and be able to problem solve. So when someone gets stuck high up on the playground...or free-climbing a rock face....I try to stand close by to morally support and to catch if necessary, but not to carry them down. I guide them where to place their feet and hands so that they learn to navigate themselves down safely and then have the confidence to try it again, knowing that they can now climb down by themselves.

I don’t know for sure, but I feel like this will help them in all situations in life. That they won’t need an immediate ‘out’ when they panic, but they can think of a solution and steps to get to safety. They know mum is always there, they are not alone, but can also think for themselves.


Wild and free....

And guess what I have signed up the boys for..... PARKOUR!!! They start this week and I think I’m just as excited as they are 😁


Okay one last photo for this morning...

We almost walked past this fishing line and hooks, all tangled up around some rocks.

Sometimes I wonder if there is a hidden camera planted and if I walk past some rubbish that someone, somewhere will put it online and ridicule me for seeing the pollution and choosing to walk right past it. Like a ‘candid camera’ trap and I will forever be mortified.

But more than my mortification....I think of the octopus, or the dolphin, that might end up with a piece of fishing line caught around its neck, strangled and hooked because I couldn’t be bothered picking it up and putting it in the bin.

So I decided to role model responsibility and empathy to my boys and picked it up. Carried it along the beach. Placed it in the bin. And hopefully they will remember this and choose to protect and respect creation.

Peace out ✌️


Parkour is the complete opposite of what every parent I've ever met wants their children to be involved in, as a result, I think your little ones will love it!

Great shots! Great location! The South is just so pretty!

Hehehe thankyou!! I was watching some professional parkour on YouTube and had some second thoughts when I envisioned possible falls off buildings...but they will have so much fun learning and it will be so good for motor skills, confidence, coordination etc!
A few months ago we saw some boys doing backflips off play equipment at the park and ever since then mr6 has been practicing and desperately wants to be able to do that 😆

Wow yes let them be freeeee! It’s so nice to see kids being kids, will you be doing parkour too? Seems like a lot of fun. The ocean is that little bit more of a sanctuary thanks to your find :)

I’d love to try! This is a kids class but I’ll be watching so might pick up a few tips and tricks 😆🤗

Dooooo it :D yes maybe they will be able to teach you as well

This is so cool. It's been so cold for so long, I don't remember the last time we took our lot out.
It looks scary, but little boys are like spiders, they're strong for their weight.
What's that camera setting (showing some real photography ignorance here), where things that are close look far away? You should get low and take photos where they look really high up :)

I’m not sure!! Maybe the fish-eye view? Yeah I’d love to take more photos! I was trying to spot him so he didn’t fall (andy had walked off with mr1) and so taking photos was a bit of a safety hazard 😂😂 lots of fun to be out an about though!!

Henry's been asking when he can start riding his bike to school. It's a little far for that at 8, but nice to see him want to get out more.

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