Why your blog is a work of art.....it is a reflection of internal alchemy

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A blog is a work of art...

As we walk through life we are weaving alchemical transformation as we spin our realities into being!

A blog is akin to our lives....it a blue print of our inner realms....

What does yours look like?

Let's explore this further.


Simply I believe that we are all a work of art. Alchemical transformation occurs where there is honest reflection, awareness of self and others and the motivation to understand the self and transform that which is blocking our flourishing. This is no easy feat. It requires discipline and the willingness to see what we often shroud in false beliefs to shelter within our comfort zone.

Writing is about creative flair using words that are poignant and elicit a feeling in the reader. They create a welling up of emotions that direct them on a journey. With each post I pour my emotion, imagination and passion and share this with each of you. What is interesting is that this may unfold differently for everyone and you will focus on certain aspects of the article and not others. This is the beauty of writing. It is the gift of writing.

This is why blogging is an art form and a reflection of internal alchemy:-


Imagination fuels innovation. It shapes our reality and gives us the ability to see beyond the mundanity of life. Imagination means we can invent. Not only on the material level but we invent ourselves. We create images of who we think we are and who we think we want to be. Material unfolding of our imaginal selves requires heart. If the heart and the imagination are in alignment then we have passion.


Passion fuels and motivates our internal selves in a focused direction. And when this is shared it acts like a beacon that beckons all with the same resonating frequential passion to it. This is why you see those who are passionate about similar topics flocking together. What happens next is pure collective alchemy....when people come together with similar passions they develop a rhythmical flow...

Rhythmical Flow

This rhythmical flow is similar to a wave form. It begins to build structure and the unique rainbow colors each individual brings intertwines with the others and becomes a new collective passion. A collective alchemical invention based around the shared passion. Where there is HeartPassion(TM) there is a flow..... a colorful expression of the extraordinary imaginal selves of those involved. It is poetry.


Indeed, often people think about poetry as a play with words or a rhyme. But poetry is more than this. It is the use of the word to express a deep sense of HeartPassion(TM). It is what I call an imaginal expression of self using a limiting source - language. Language is often not the easiest way to express oneself. It has it's limitations and the true poet is one who stretches their imaginal vocabulary to encompass the traditional and the non-traditional. Venturing so far as to include their own set of rules. This is the similar to what happens when we create art. A poet is one who brings different parts of themselves and creates a mosaic of words. This is the alchemical transformation in all it's grandeur.


Alchemical transformation is the art of mixing the right ingredients and creating a new dish, that is delectable, delicate, refined and balanced in all it's flavors. Thus taking those who share in it's bounty on a journey of tastes that elicit the infusion of the imagination bringing all the senses into the equation. That is true internal alchemical transformation. Because like a wave this sharing allows for the receiver to integrate the information or message in their own unique way and take a new world view away with them.

Therein is the beauty and art of blogging. It is a way to reach out collectively to those with whom you have no personal ties. It is a way of stretching your own and their imaginations that elicit the bounty of ideas in a shared passion and gives the opportunity to create .... create life based on HeartPassion(TM).

It is a reflection of internal alchemy!


Photo Source: Pixabay


thank you! Resteem if you would like to!

Good post, I feel a blog is alchemy as well, check my new one out. I got thousands more but I am waiting until after the 20th to start posting. https://steemit.com/photography/@lucklight/axioms-on-nature

Thanks! Great blog post! :)

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