So many ideas, so little time - more steemit plans.

in #life7 years ago

So now that I'm getting a hang of steemit, I am becomeing much clearer about what I'd like to share here.

Originally I wanted to find an audience and share my short stories here, and I will still get around to that but I realize, it's probably a better place to share some valuable randomness and polish some ideas before they go reach other platforms. That is not to say that I won't be producing quality content, it just means my language my be a little less refined and self-reviewed as the stories I write. Either way there are so many things to be excited about here.

So I'm excited to share posts on these topics and hope to find people interested in each other these

  • Japanese Blog. I've already started this. This is a way for me to review my Japanese which has been left in the closet for 5 years. Each post will be split into a blog post with random thoughts, ideas and experiences and JLPT 1 and 2 grammar practice sentences at the bottom. If you study Japanese come check it out!

  • Music blog - Mostly hoping to share random music from around the world, mostly independent, Asia, Africa, South America, wherever really.

  • Ideas to Heal (AKA getting you shit together) - Helping people to clear out the trash and become who they desire to be. Shatter false beliefs, build positivity, manifest desires, create beautiful things.

  • Brainstorming - about community space, collaborative efforts to fix problems, the gift economy, pay what you want, new modes of living, changing the world, you know.

  • Social issues - Mostly brainstorming solutions to current problems and potential future problems and sharing whatever I can to make life awesome for everyone. I kind of jump in and out of society so it gives me an interesting perspective on a lot of things from school to culture to medicine to money.

  • My stories - these will come later. They are already available on my Patreon page, I will be re-posting them here eventually but I think I should wait until I have some more followers who are interested in them.

  • ????? I am sure I have lots of other ideas for future posts. If you are interested in making the world an awesome place and consciously creating an awesome life for yourself and the people you come in contact with, get my attention because I would love to know you.

The Tree


I understand how you feel. At first I thought every post was supposed to be some academic philosophizing or something. Now I post what's on my mind whatever the topic. Welcome from another relative newbie! Upvoted and following!

Yeah, kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. I want to submit all really quality content, but sometimes a post about nothing gets way more views. I think it has to do with the fact that sub-communities haven't developed much yet. Once you get a group of people who come here to talk mostly about a specific topic with each other it will be easier. Also I suppose once you have a really large following its easy.

I am trying to save some of my best stuff for later so I know people will read it, it isn't all about getting a high payout, not everyone reads through all your old posts, most people who like your stuff will just look at a few. But I'm not going to post anything totally meaningless or mundane either. Lots of ideas! Just trying to figure out which ones come first. I'm thinking the Japanese and music blogs and then share the more social and spiritual life stuff, those are what I really want to share.

Wow - I just read the first paragraph of my day and wow...powerful. You're going to be a household name one day I'm sure (if you aren't already!)

hahahah really!?
I feel confident about most of what I think and do (not everything, I'm always willing to question myself) but I have a hard time finding a way to connect with people except in a one-on-one interaction.

Substance exists everywhere, a lot of it is just played out already. To write good stuff you just need to be able to go where others don't and see what others don't and somehow bring it back to where they are at. A lot of what "Gets big" is faking it to so when you do it for real, it's not hard to get attention unless you are trying too hard.

One thing I didn't mention in my post about staying anonymous is a fear I've had of becoming famous. I've had this for a long time because I know how easy it would be given my unique set of experiences and perspective and the fact that I‘ve been constantly refining it over the years. I see how big a deal people make of just regular people who happen to hit a chord and become famous, they want to cling to anything that seems larger than what they are used to and the forces of the market kind of perpetuate this cult of personality because more people buy a Beyonce album when she's larger than life. When she really becomes human, and not just as a method of relating to potential fans, everyone feels less inclined to pay attention to her every move. You probably know how hard it is to get friends to spend money on your art, even though they spend money on the art of complete strangers, it kind of a similar symptom. It'd take a long time to be really concise about this issue but I hope you get what I mean. I am trying to spread ideas and to receive the appreciation and support from those ideas without becoming the central focus . It's been a daunting task and every day I ponder if I should put up a picture and introduce myself and make my first $100+ post on steemit and I probably will eventually but I want to make sure it's safe first, for myself and for the ideas that I have to share.

thank you so much for taking the time to read too! I feel so excited when people take interest in my stories or music or ideas for healing the world

So much to say to're a talented human being. It's 5am and I've been sucked into the Steemit vortex to the total exclusion of life around me (and neglect of my livili hood...oops) but I'll be on tomorrow with a real reply - and will follow you on Patreon.
Created an account there.
Have a great day/night!

Just go with it! I think posting freely is a great idea. Be free, man, be free ;-) And no matter what comes of it, nothing is ever wasted. I haven't checked out your Patreon page (about to) - but I'm sure you have tons of old abandoned notes and stories that you later end up integrating into 'polished' pieces. Write on, Steem on !

Im in the same process myself, good post :-)
I really want a following before I post my life stories that are sure to please, but at the moment no one to even see them.

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