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RE: Mass Psychology

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I totally agree with your overall assessment, although I wouldn't use this line of thinking to defend Trump but rather to call out all major factions, the media, the left, the right, the Trump train.

The easiest way to undermine someones position is to label them because then you can associate the foolish acts of others who are lumped into the same label and appeal to peoples narrow minded stereotypes. This is true for both sides, "Trump supporters are all racist" ridiculous! "Black Lives Matter is a hate group" , even more ridiculous!. Labels basically serve the agenda of people who spout BS from either sides and create a stronger concept of "the other".

I'm not saying labels are useless, but we rely on them too easily. They work when you are studying demographics and talking about certain trends but do we really need to create a term for someone who is somewhere between straight and bisexual? Can't someone just say "I'm kind of in between?" Do we need a label for everyone?

The ones who get the worst treatment are usually people who are not entirely capitalist in their philosophies. We associate the words socialism and communism with countries that are anything but and are much closer to authoritarian in nature (they self identitfy as such and the US reinforces the label, both for their own benefit), and so the words have become derogatory when they actually stand for certain ideas that few people take the time to really ponder. Not many people know that the views of Noam Chomsky is a lot closer to many anarchists that “chaos and destruction" and riots.

Haha I got pretty carried away in making this reply, I originally wanted to make it really short

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