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RE: What motivates you to write ?

in #life5 years ago

Maybe check into writing an ebook. I use to love writing. Now im just lazy and dont even like typing correctly. My journals have gotten me through some dark places tho. Great article, Resteemed. 🥠


It just so happens, @weirdheadaches, I have two ebooks written and currently for sale on Amazon. :) There's more to write, too, whenever I get back to them. I've been getting my need to write appeased through STEEM, so haven't been doing much with the longer form creative works lately.

Since I've been on STEEM, I've had quite a few bouts with what amounts to Writer's Block, but more in the vein of apathy (what's the point?), or being drained, because I've written more than I'm used to.

Lately, though, I've been working through that. Mostly, I think, because I was earning pretty well on Musing because they upvoted, too. But their big delegation got pulled and so lately, they've hardly upvoted at all, and so my earnings, along with user participation has plunged dramatically.

re: journals

I say keep it up then. Style and grammar aren't nearly as important as expression and feelings, so no need for them.

I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for the resteem. :)

Oh Sweet!

Send me the links if you dont mind? Id be interested to browse. Moneys a little tight so no promises. What genre are they?

Hey, no worries on the no promises. Reading is a time investment, as well as one of money, so I won't hold you to anything. It's kind of funny you bring it up, though, because the first book just had it's 7 year publishing anniversary, and the other hits six in March. :)

To be honest, I've had trouble picking the genre. I think it falls under the description of speculative fiction, but Amazon doesn't have that as a category you can pick. So, I generally identify it as Fantasy, with some mystery/thriller mixed in.

It's geared for a broad audience, so since it's not for mature or adult readers only, I've also had it in the young adult section, but more adults have actually read it than teens. :)

I have both priced at $3.99, and this link should take you to a page where you can hop back and forth to both.

That is Amazing!

Definitely will be giving a go when funds permit. Ive never been much into fantasy but love the titles. A few of my friends are big fantasy readers. Ive been on a hard copy/ "real paper book" kick lately. Love the smell of the pages. Ty so much for sharing. Mmmmm, 6 7 years ago? I think its time for another?...

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