PUSH=Pray until something happens!

in #life7 years ago

I am a firm believer in this saying and I can tell you it works in all areas of my life!

Doxing is where someone has found your location and know pretty much know all about who you are in real life.

A few months ago after a year of dealing with threats online and going so far as to alter my time and locations online and whom I even would respond to in private messages it escalated to personal attacks.

First clue I had was when I was suddenly signed up to stuff on line (websites I would not go to), next was calls from all over the place and companies I would never go to much less buy anything they were selling or offering (I am a great grandmother I don't think I am interested in birth control ;-) do you?) I only handed out my cell number to a small select few and the hosts had it...

Next set of attacks were slandering my name in chatrooms in many of the homesteading community (and why now I am extremely hesitant to be around many who call themselves a homesteader). Instead of asking if there was any truth they joined up in their cliques and spread lies everywhere and to whomever they thought would listen.

As a moderator for many of these homestead channels, my role was to keep the chatroom going and keep it clean and family friendly (yup Family Friendly is hated) because many times there were young kids in these chats reading what was being said and the channel host would give a list of what they did not want said there or behavior they did not want seen.

Sounds simple and reasonable unless you are on the band wagon of acting/being like a troll.
There are different types of trolls online ranging from just disrupting to going graphic in details.
I still Mod for just a scant few of folks and because I work with the channel host I know what is expected as does the other mods.
When a channel host has given you a set of the what and what not to allow and the mod does as instructed the relationship grows between the host and mod.

This relationship is bonded because of trust.

If a channel host keeps sending mixed messages or says things not in keeping with what you thought was their character/persona (for instance saying something bad about some of their subscribers), a conflict can and will rise up and you seek to resolve it.
Some will take the time to talk and work out what the issues are and go from there, many times it is just a minor miscommunication, but there are times where it goes well beyond that. And when I walk away.

When a mod runs into any issues you take it to the channel host (this is their company/brand) and they need to be made aware of all that has taken place, (these are steps I took in regards to many trolls) so when the attacks started implied threats that they would next start in on the host or that they know where the hosts live, the options become either backing away from the host or the host calling their bluff and keeping me on as mod.

All this brings where and why I believe in PUSH.

I am not shy about handing over issues to God/Creator and then I just PUSH and it gets revealed in his time and I go from there.

This is what just a single picture of destruction looks like:


This was a 300+ year old Fukien Tea Bonsai tree that hate and trolls killed, remember they did Dox to find me.
As a bonsai artist who had many trees that were being trained for being handed over to the next generation of artist to care for these aged wonders that have survived so much to reach that age, it makes you sick to see this type of hate being done. The dollar amount for all the destruction that was done by hate $100,000.00 let that sink in a minute...

Here is another:

This Bougie was known world wide and when the bonsai world (YES WORLD, because bonsai is borderless) found out, it was prayed for...
Does PUSH work?

You be the judge!


Hate is not going to change who I am......


@weetreebonsai, i'm so sorry. That is sickening. Disrespecting the property of others is wrong. Destruction of property is wicked.

“If a fire breaks out and spreads into thornbushes so that it burns shocks of grain or standing grain or the whole field, the one who started the fire must make restitution. Exodus 22:6

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place to wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord. Romans 12:19

It's not "hate" that's at fault here, it's EVIL. People have no fear of God anymore and their love for others have gone cold. I am not ashamed to say that I HATE evil. This is evil. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. @ironshield

Thank You. What is in their hearts is hate and I agree removing God creates Evil. There are a whole group of folks who participate in hating anything to do with Family Friendly on YT and will attack folks if they speak out against it but failing to speak out against them or standing silent emboldens them to go after others. I pray others come forward with the attacks against themselves.

Hate is not going to change who I am......

We learn to accept who we are, and hope that the haters will accept who they are, and in the end it is us that will rise above it all, while the hate simmers and stews, with more hate being added it never boils completely away.

To allow it to change you is to give over your life to the control of others, It is hard, no damn denying that. hate is easy, allowing it to change you is easy. We take strength from people who rise above it. Be strong and thank you for sharing your strength with so many so that they may learn,"Yes we can rise above it".

Thank You @bashadow, agree they are the ones who suffer and fester like a boil infected with hate.

It's a shame that people are so filled with hate. Thank you for not letting it control you.

Not in my DNA ;-)

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I am so glad you know what you are doing. My heart sank too when I saw that first tree. I am sure that was a very painful experience. Will they ever catch the criminals?

Still an on going active case, so we will all just see what they find. The care given to each of the recovered trees was no different than the one tree that was prayed for, only difference was the prayers said.

@weetreebonsai I'm so sorry that you are experiencing such an outpouring of Hate. Now that I know, I'll begin praying for you as well. What a shame that the 300 year old tree was killed, but what a blessing that the other one you showed has come back. Congratulations my friend, and thank you for allowing us to learn of this so we can channel our prayers your way.

Thank You @katedansyng and yes prayers are always accepted! That was just one of the 30 plus trees that was killed and only this one survived, hard to picture someone hating you to the point of this type of destruction over yt. Maybe more will step forward that have been targeted...

This hurts my heart so.

The damage to the future bonsai artist is who will suffer the most, imagine a tree that old and all that it suffered thru to be killed by hate.

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Its just terrible what hate there is
Yet there is also love
Thank God 4 Love and
Thank You @weetreebonsai
for being YOU we love you

Thank You for being you dear @shasta, them were some long days and nights. I was and am so blessed to have guardians/watchmans watching my back!

Thank you. I love your positivity and your resilience. It is a wonderful breath of air to know that you will always be true to yourself, because the world wouldn't have you any other way. Cheers

Thank You! To change from who I am would be them winning and that is not going to happen!

Agreed! We are a rare breed, those of us that will push through. While we might bend like the willow, I am glad to see your heart is strong like an oak.

I suspect it was how we were raised...

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