Stay focused on the goal.

in #life2 years ago

In the last two years I've had two very different jobs and two very different projects. They both started out similar - I got a great job at a company, did some freelance work on the side, and made some pretty decent money. But then I had a change in career, and suddenly my income plummeted.

The main reason was that I stopped doing any freelance work, and instead began working for myself. After being in business for a year, I had a huge amount of success and was making more money than I ever thought possible. But then I had a change in lifestyle and my income dropped again.

What happened?

I forgot how to focus.

I spent most of my time writing articles for a website that paid me about $2 per article. So when I stopped, I had no income, and so I began looking for another job.

After three months, I couldn't find a job, and I realized that I needed to either continue writing articles or find something else. I chose the latter, and now I write for a website that pays me about $5 per article.

So why did it take me two years to realize that I was losing money by focusing on too many things at once?

I think it has to do with the fact that I had been freelancing and working for myself for a while before I decided to stop and go back to the corporate world. I had a lot of experience freelancing, and so when I stopped, I felt like I knew everything I needed to know about freelancing.

I wasn't sure if I needed to take any more classes, read any more books, or take any more courses. I didn't want to do anything new, and I wasn't sure if I would be successful at it.

When I was freelancing, I had all kinds of problems. There were weeks when I didn't even have any money at all, and I would worry about getting a paycheck. I was stressed out constantly, and I didn't really enjoy my work.

But when I was working for myself, I was stressed out sometimes too. I didn't make any money, and I didn't enjoy my work either.

My biggest mistake was that I forgot that freelancing isn't the same as working for yourself. Freelancing is different because you have a boss, and you have to report to them on a regular basis. And you're also working for clients, and that's a whole other set of challenges.

As long as I continued working for myself, I didn't feel like I was making any money, and I didn't enjoy my work. I didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything.

Now, I'm doing freelance work, but I'm not focusing on it. I'm just doing it for fun, and I'm not worried about getting paid. I don't even have to think about it anymore. I've already got a few clients, and I know that they'll pay me

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