Do What Makes You Happy

in #life2 years ago

Doing more of what makes you happy may not make your life better - you have to be methodical and work within the areas that you can control. For example, most U.S. workers have jobs that don't make them happy. If you were to change that tomorrow, you'd have to quit your job too - not a sustainable solution. Do what makes you happy is a lifelong process involving many small changes.

Doing something that makes you happy
Bird-watching isn't only for the elderly. In fact, there are many benefits of bird-watching - and you don't need binoculars to do it! According to a 2017 study in the journal BioScience, just observing birds can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. You can even volunteer to feed the hungry on the third weekend of the month! Whether you're looking for a free way to relax or to spend time with loved ones, the simple act of bird-watching will make you happy.

Finding your calling
Many people can't pinpoint their true passion or purpose in life. While some people have an innate talent, others can't seem to pinpoint what their true calling is. To find your calling, pay attention to your natural strengths. Identify those things that come easily or naturally to you and use them as clues to your life purpose and calling. In fact, your own strengths might be the answer. These things may even give you a direction to follow.

Contributing to something greater than yourself
Do you believe that contributing to something bigger than yourself makes you happy? There are many reasons why people are happy, from being able to help others to contributing your time. The happiness paradox suggests that chasing happiness will lead to less happiness than creating conditions that lead to it. Chasing happiness leads to more self-centeredness and focuses on things you don't have. In contrast, contributing to something larger than yourself will lead to happiness.

When you're doing what makes you happy, practice expressing gratitude. Even the smallest things can be an excellent way to boost your overall happiness. It may be especially beneficial if you schedule this activity early in the morning. You'll feel refreshed and positive by the time you reach the office! Alternatively, you can take a moment to make gratitude collages. Here are a few examples to inspire you to practice gratitude when you're doing what makes you happy.

Physical activity is a great way to boost your mood and mental clarity. It is also important for the well-being of your body and helps keep you in top cardiovascular shape. It also improves your general health, which in turn will benefit your relationships and career. It also improves your goals and aspirations. The first two reasons to exercise are the most common. However, the third reason is the most intriguing. This article will discuss some of the benefits of physical activity and why they make us happy.

Flow state
We all know that the flow experience is essential for creativity, well-being, and self-actualization. This state is intrinsically rewarding. People strive to replicate this experience, because it can lead to a fully engaged, joyful life. Researchers at St. Bonaventure University conducted a study where students participated in activities that induced flow. Participants reported feeling strong, active, focused, and creative. After the flow experience, people's self-esteem increased.

Did you know that volunteering improves your health? Not only does it improve your mental health, but it also makes you feel better? There are studies to prove it. In fact, studies have shown that people who volunteer regularly are happier and healthier. Moreover, you won't need to invest any money to make a difference in someone's life. Just take up a volunteer project and watch how it improves your life! There are many benefits of volunteering, so do not hesitate to give your time and help those in need.

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