in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemers!

First of all I want to request you guys if you like this article about an unexpected friendship which was my beautiful experience please don’t forget to upvote and support my blog and let the story begin ;)

“LONDON” a dream destination for lot of them. Even I dreamt of living in abroad as a kid. Always wanted to settle out of India. And I had to come to London after my wedding. Who would not want to at least visit London?

But in my case, everything was different. Coming to London itself was doubtful cause of the questions that I had in mind about my relationship. Dint know what was happening and where is it going towards. Then decided to give a try so landed it London with lot of adventurous experience which i will write in my next blog.

Like all others even I started missing my family like never before, missed my friends, cried for some days but the happy soul cannot be sad for long so started loving myself more than before and got out of this loneliness and stopped making myself feel pity. This new phase of life made me realise happiness is with-in you and its only me who can make myself sad or happy. Being a pampered girl by everyone it was kind of difficult for me to find love all alone. It was difficult to make myself believe the only person who can pamper me in this Beautiful city is myself.

I started taking myself all around the city and started exploring the beautiful city. Happy soul started finding the difference and why not? It was my Birthday month and it’s supposed to be the exciting month of the year. January is the month of surprises and happiness. Never celebrated it alone, was always around a bunch of people jumping and laughing. But this year was all alone. I dint want to ruin my happy birthday and had least expectations from others. But all I knew is I’m going to be happy. Got a cake for myself and planned to celebrate it on call with my friends.

“Getting a Cake by myself on my birthday? Who does that? But when you need happiness everything is fair my dear lovies”

Though I had absolutely no expectations, my happy birthday turned out to be the best one. Got a surprise cake from Sid(Husband) and laptop as a gift which I needed the most. Woke up with a gift from my Best friend Praneeth from India which was so unexpected. Lot of innovative ways of wishes from my friends and family. Uff that feeling, Just cannot explain it.

In all this, the new person silently entered my life, had no clue who this was. He was coming to London, Don’t Know why? Don’t know how he looks? Don’t know where was he from? All I knew is he is going to get me chocolates and sweets from Qatar which was sent by my sweetest cousin Guru. Wasn’t craving for chocolates or sweets it was the love that I was excited coming overseas by my special brother. But none knew he was sending me a special friend.
Met him at the tube station(London Underground) to collect the chocolates and sweets just for two seconds. Thanked him for delivering me the joy and he left. That joy was so special that I felt I need to thank this guy for taking the trouble to deliver me a happiness pot.


Now I know how he looks and his name, that is 'Owen' but still didn’t know anything much about him. Off late I’m too much into Instagram (Jobless you see) so though let me increase my follower by sending him a request, but i got a reply asking Do I know you?

“Did I send the request to the right person? Or is this guy one among those who show attitude?”

Lots of thoughts in that 1 second but the innocent me replied I’m Guru’s sister. We started exchanging texts early morning. Since I’m all alone in this city I keep exploring places all alone and Owen being the 4th time visitor to London is spending his vacation sleeping the entire day.

My new chat person was leaving back to his city the next day. I had only day to know this new person, but I already had a plan for that day. I was supposed to go to Luton to meet another new friend who is my best friends Gautham’s cousin, 'Divya'. I decided to shift my Luton plans to Friday and meet this Chat person Owen somewhere in London. But then I was excited about going to Luton. I dint want that excitement to come down so asked Owen would he like to join me?

Owen: “Is she kidding me? What will my friend think about me? Is it right to roam with my friend’s sister?”

I must say Owen thinks a lot unlike me. But my lazy chat person decides to accompany me to Luton. A new city to meet a new person (Friends Cousin) along with another new person (Cousins Friend). All this happened in about half an hour early morning. I was all excited. The real happy soul was on its way to explore things and get pampered again.

I met Owen and the Non-stop Namitha express started all over Owen’s mind. I’m a chatter box who just cannot stop talking, laughing and making others happy and Owen was just like me, we had lot of similarities. May be that’s why we got connected so well. The forgetful me would forget something and Owen would remind me again. It was non-stop meaningless Chat.


London to Luton, Owen almost got to know me very well. I’m not a greenery person, I’m not a coffee person, I’m not a silent person, I’m not this and that person. Then we met our new friend Divya. Awww she was the sweetest. Both got married recently and could relate the new place experience so well. She hosted the new friends so well which I doubt I can do. My excitement of having people at home makes me forget that I need to greet them with water and juice. We had a great time cooking together and lot of chit chats.


“I decided to go to Luton to meet a new friend in new city, but the main reason was Neer Dosa. The love that I have for food Mangalore food is Insane"


I never felt that I met these two for the first time. Both made me feel extremely comfortable though I would have made them uncomfortable lol. It was already departure time, we had a off-peak train tickets so me and Owen had to leave Luton before 4:30PM. It was 4:00PM, train was at 4:14PM and we were still at home. Divya, Owen and I started running towards the Station. Now I have a best friend who is just 50 mi away from me. Though I had to leave one friend behind, I still had another friend next to me. We decided not to go back home this early.

By now even I knew Owen a bit more than the previous day. We decided to go shopping which both of us don’t like. But later started enjoying each other’s company so well that no shopping was required to keep us engaged. We started walking on the streets of London completely unaware of where we are heading.


The solo explorer had someone else for the first time. I was back into myself after whole two months. The real me was roaming around, jumping and dancing on street. My first friend in London could handle my madness. He was the sweetest. Got connected to him so well in such a less time. It was the best day ever in this new city. We decided to loaf around without following google maps till 6:30PM. Then he took me to Trafalgar Square.



“Wish his phone was not switched off or I had a better phone to capture the beautiful time that we spent”

I knew almost everyone who Is related to Owen by now. And he knew almost everyone related to me.
It was time for us to head back home. Owen to his sister’s place and me back to my world of myself. Since we stay quite close to each other’s place I went to his station and then came back home.


“Hugs and most special thing to me in this world. They give me lot of positive vibes, Special feeling and support”

After couple of months I got hugged by two new people in my life. Uff those warm hugs. That goodbye hug. Both of us made the best decision to meet each other and hang out. Both of us had no idea when we will meet next. We were connected to each other.

By now Owen's friends knew me. Sharan & Navya (my long lost Twin with curly hair and specks) knew about me and I knew lot about them. The next day randomly Owen asked me if I can come home for lunch? I decided to meet my best friend again unexpectedly. He has a wonderful family which made me miss mine. My new friend is all set to go back to Doha.

Thought will accompany him half way to airport (Because I had Oyster card from Zone 1 to Zone 3 only) so that I can be with my new friend for some more time. Whenever I travelled by tube I wished there was someone along to talk since internet doesn’t work. These two days I had someone along with me to talk non-stop. We reached Green Park station and it was time to say Good bye. Both were going to miss each other because both of us got a friend for life. Pulled each other’s legs saying why are your eyes watering?

At 7:00PM he had to reach airport and he was standing next to me and talking. As I’m a panic person when it comes to Bus, Train & Flight asked him to leave and I started walking back home. For a while I felt I’m going to cry cause after a long time got pampered by someone in REAL. Missed my family that loved me so much, Missed my friends who were always with me, Missed every single person who gave me love all these years and realised I’m back all alone after an overdose of pampering. But happy souls don’t be sad for long, I’m born to be happy and nothing can stop me from being happy.

“When you decide to be happy, no force in this world can stop you from being one. You don’t need to expect others to make you happy, Love yourself and rest will follow you”

See you soon

Love from London 😊

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