Work four hours a week with the effect of exceeding 80% of the employeesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life5 years ago (edited)

For most of us, the first thing comes to us if we want to make more money, it generally means work more, more working hours, or putting more effort.

However, is it possible that making money can actually be very easy? Or do we only need to spend half or more time than others to do the same work as others and make the same amount of money?

The answer is yes.

In "The 4-hour workweek," the author Ferriss shows us the possibility.

Ferriss himself uses this method to free himself step by step from busy and inefficient work, and eventually to live a rich and free life.

Let's take a look at how the author works only four hours a week, but the effect is outpacing that of most office workers.

Do less doesn’t mean lazy

In the workplace, there seems to be a tendency for employees who seem to be working very hard to start with a tendency to be more popular.

But ironically, sometimes, employees that are very hard-working don't end up as satisfying.

The reason is that many people use tactical diligence to hide their strategic laziness. As Russell puts it: "Many people would rather die than think."

The truth is that doing less pointless work and focus on doing more important things is not lazy.

For most people, this seems less acceptable because our culture values individual sacrification more than individual productivity.

Few people will (or have the ability to) understand the effectiveness of their work, and then timely assess their contribution. For most people, more working hours mean more self-worth, support, and affirmation from their bosses and colleagues around them.

So "lazy" can redefine the status quo by tolerating the disgruntled status quo, allowing the objective environment or others to decide their own lives, or accumulating wealth, but walking through their lives like a passer-by through an office window.

The hours spent working on unimportant mail and trifles won’t help increase your ability.

The key is to be efficient, not busy.



Emphasize strengths, not make up for weaknesses

Most people are usually good at a small part of things and do very badly on most of the other things. For example, I only have an advantage in terms of product creativity and product sales in work, but in most areas, I am very bad at them.

My physique was born to be suitable for weightlifting and throwing, in fact, that's exactly what it is. But I never realized it. I tried swimming, but I looked like a monkey nearing drowning. I tried playing basketball, but I looked like a stone-age wild man. After that, I became a fighter and succeeded.

It's much more effective and fun to play to your strengths than to repair all the fissures on your armor. The choice is to take advantage of the multiplier effect of the strong, rather than continuously improving the weakness, which is at best at the medium level. Focus on making the most of your strengths instead of always fixing weaknesses.

Ren Zhengfei, CEO of Huawei said: "On the road of life, I think it is important to give full play to their advantages. When I move to a new career, although learning a new language is very useful to me, but I found that my main advantage is the understanding of logic and direction, if I spend too much energy to practice language, perhaps my advantage is weakened.

So I gave up my efforts on language and concentrated on my strengths. For me, if I can speak good English, it will be nice in front of people, but the value of my contribution to society will be completely different. So I concentrated on making the most of my strengths.”

One's most important motivation for oneself is to play to your strengths, not to constantly reflect on your weaknesses. Life is only so long, you take such a long time to carry forward the advantages, and you take such a long time to correct the shortcomings, of course, carry forward your advantages will help you more.

When you focus on playing to your strengths rather than making up for your weaknesses, you are more likely to succeed compared to others in social competition and spend less time compared to others because you are already doing what you do best.

Make adjustments starting from now

I once asked my mother how she decided when to have her first child, which is my brother.

My mom's answer was simple: "We wanted it and thought there was no reason to delay. This kind of thing like having a baby is not purposely arranged.”

For all the big things, deliberate arrangements are usually botched. Waiting for a good time to quit? Just as waiting for all the stars in the sky to line up, the traffic lights on the road of life can't be green at all the time. Everything will not go according to your will, and certainly will not be in your way. Environmental conditions can never be perfect. "There's always a day" this type of excuse will bring your dreams to the grave with you like a disease. It doesn't make sense to constantly weigh the pros and cons.

If you're always waiting for everything to start or waiting for a better time to start, then you'll never start.

This is most evident in many entrepreneurs. Many people don’t have sufficient funds, the timing is not right, the experience is not perfect, and so on excuses, delay the start time, and missed the best time to start, miss the industry or opportunity.

If this is important to you and you will do it "eventually", then do it now and adjust it. Because the best time will never come.

work 80/20


Use the 80/20 rule.

Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, can be summed up in one sentence: 80% of output comes from 20% of inputs.

Depending on the specific situation, you can express this sentence in different ways:

80% of the results were due to 20% of reasons.

80% of the results come from 20% of the time and effort.

80% of the company's revenue comes from 20% of its products and customers.

80% of stock market profits are achieved by 20% of investors and 20% of individual investments.

Keep in mind: most things don't seem to make much difference. Being busy is just a form of laziness - being lazy and acting without choice.

Usually when you looked busy, often as inefficient and more annoying as doing nothing. Do things with a choice - doing less is the way to efficiency. Concentrate on the important things, and don't care about the rest.

Of course, in a new environment (whether it's a new job or a new start-up experience), you need to take a moment to figure out what's most important before you can tell the difference between priority and weight. Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks. Careful selection is a necessary part of the process, but it should not take a month or two.

So, take action today and remeasure your life with the 80/20 rule to see which 20% of the people and things bring 80% of your success and happiness in your life, and what 20% of the people and things that bring you 80% of the unhappiness. Then, adjust it.

Developing the ability to selectively ignore

I hope you can develop the ability to selectively ignore. One must learn to ignore trivial information and remove useless distractions.

Endless message from social media, gossip news, ads; the latest TV series discussion in the office, the latest movie; the news of the celebrity divorce, the compound news, which has divided us so much attention during work in recent days.

In today's society, attention is one of a person's most valuable resources.

So developing the ability to selectively ignore and focusing on what really matters is a skill that everyone who aspires to succeed and wants to be productive needs to learn.

"Every trending is a myth." It's a little bit extreme, but it's a good illustration of some of the problems. Most people are like clouds, and very few people can think for themselves. Fewer people are able to have their own independent opinions.

As the English writer, Sharaf Sarrell put it: "Think for yourself and be the one who plays chess, not the pawn."

Only in this way can we be more efficient and successful in work than most in today's complex trends.


This is not the life I want
The movie script will never be our life.
There are two kinds of people who don't worry about money
Let go of yesterday's worries
If you feel like you are suffering, I advise you not to look too high
Let go in this anxious life

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